path: root/RHMixxx1280x800/MixxController.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'RHMixxx1280x800/MixxController.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/RHMixxx1280x800/MixxController.js b/RHMixxx1280x800/MixxController.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a26df2..0000000
--- a/RHMixxx1280x800/MixxController.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-function MixxxController(id) {
- this.midiMappings = new Object();
- this.namedMappings = new Object();
- this.controls = new Object();
- = id;
- /*
- * Convenience method that returns a Mixxx value for the given control
- */
- this.getMixxxValue = function(control) {
- return engine.getValue(control["group"]["name"], control["name"]);
- }
- /*
- * Sets a Mixxx value for the given control. If a coversion has been
- * registered, it is taken into account. This method also takes care
- * of softTakeover, if enabled.
- */
- this.setMixxxValue = function(control, value) {
- var conversion = control["conversion"];
- if (conversion) {
- if (conversion["name"] != "none") {
- value = script[conversion["name"]](value, conversion["min"], conversion["max"], conversion["mid"]);
- }
- }
- else {
- value = script["absoluteNonLin"](value, 0, 1, 4);
- }
- if (control["softTakeover"] && (Math.abs(this.getMixxxValue(control) - value) < 0.1))
- {
- control["softTakeover"] = false;
- }
- else if (!control["softTakeover"]) {
- engine.setValue(control["group"]["name"], control["name"], value);
- control["value"] = value;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Convenience method that returns a control based on its midi number.
- */
- this.getByMidiNo = function (midiNo)
- {
- return this.midiMappings[midiNo];
- }
- /*
- * Convenience method that returns a control based on its group and control.
- */
- this.getByNames = function(group, control)
- {
- return this.namedMappings[group+control];
- }
- /*
- * Creates a multi button that supports klicking and turning.
- * Parameters are:
- * # Mixxx value that is set if button is klicked (may be empty if button cannot be pressed)
- * # Midi number
- * # Mixxx value that is set if button is turned left
- * # Mixxx value that is set if button is turned right
- */
- this.createMultiButton = function(name, id, left, right)
- {
- var button = this.createControl(name, id);
- button.setConversion("none");
- button["isMultiButton"] = true;
- button["left"] = left;
- button["right"] = right;
- return button;
- }
- /*
- * Creates a button that executed a Mixxx function without having a concrete
- * state (e.g. the beatsync button).
- * Parameters are:
- * # Mixxx value that is set if button is klicked
- * # Midi number
- */
- this.createButton = function(name, id)
- {
- var button = this.createControl(name, id);
- button.setConversion("none");
- button["isButton"] = true;
- return button;
- }
- /*
- * Creates a switch that can be switches on and off (e.g. the play button).
- * Parameters are:
- * # Mixxx value that is toggled if switch is pressed
- * # Midi number
- */
- this.createSwitch = function(name, id)
- {
- var button = this.createControl(name, id);
- button.setConversion("none");
- button["activated"] = false;
- button["isSwitch"] = true;
- return button;
- }
- /*
- * Creates a control that can be used for volume sliders, filter knobs, etc.
- * Parameters are:
- * # Mixxx value that is changed if the control is used
- * # Midi number
- * Various behaviours can be enabled on a control:
- * # enableFireOnKeyUp() (control is fired if released, not if pressed. Useful for buttons/switches)
- * # enableSoftTakeover() (custom softTakeover function that is some smarter than Mixxx's default implementation)
- * # addCallback() (add a MixxxController callback. Currently available is only "kill" to emulate a kill switch for equalizers)
- * # addExternalCallback() (add a callback to a custom function specific for a certain controller)
- * # setConversion(name, min, max, mid) (supported: absoluteLin, absoluteNonLin)
- * headVolume, Master volume, crossfader, headMix and volume are automatically enhanced with a fitting conversion.
- */
- this.createControl = function(name, id)
- {
- var control = new Object();
- control["name"] = name;
- control["midiNo"] = id;
- control["ledMidiNo"] = id;
- control["callbacks"] = new Object();
- control["fireOnKeyUp"] = false;
- this.midiMappings[id] = control;
- control.enableFireOnKeyUp = function() {
- control["fireOnKeyUp"] = true;
- return control;
- }
- control.enableSoftTakeover = function() {
- control["softTakeover"] = true;
- return control;
- }
- control.addCallback = function(name) {
- control["callbacks"][name] = name;
- return control;
- }
- control.addCallback = function(name) {
- control["callbacks"][name] = name;
- return control;
- }
- control.addExternalCallback = function(name) {
- control["externalCallbacks"][name] = name;
- return control;
- }
- control.setConversion = function(name, min, max, mid) {
- control["conversion"] = new Object();
- control["conversion"]["name"] = name;
- control["conversion"]["min"] = min;
- control["conversion"]["max"] = max;
- control["conversion"]["mid"] = mid;
- return control;
- }
- control.setLEDMidiNo = function(id) {
- control["ledMidiNo"] = id;
- return control;
- }
- return control;
- }
- /*
- * Create a new control group to which multiple controls can be added. A control must have a name that matches
- * the Mixxx group ([Master], [Channel1], ...)
- */
- this.createGroup = function(name, id)
- {
- var group = new Object();
- group["name"] = name;
- if (name.indexOf("[Channel") == 0) {
- group["id"] = name.substring(8, 9);
- }
- group["controller"] = this;
- group["scratching"] = false;
- group["scratchingEnabled"] = false;
- group.addControl = function(control) {
- group[control["name"]] = control;
- control["group"] = this;
- group["controller"].namedMappings[group["name"]+control["name"]] = control;
- if (control["softTakeover"]) {
- control["value"] = group["controller"].getMixxxValue(control);
- engine.connectControl(group["name"], control["name"], this["controller"].id+".softTakeover");
- }
- if (control["name"] == "play") {
- engine.connectControl(group["name"], control["name"], this["controller"].id+".playListener");
- }
- for (var callback in control["callbacks"]) {
- engine.connectControl(group["name"], control["name"], this["controller"].id+"."+callback);
- }
- for (var callback in control["externalCallbacks"]) {
- engine.connectControl(group["name"], control["name"], callback);
- }
- var name = control["name"];
- if (name == "headVolume") {
- control.setConversion("absoluteNonLin", 0, 5, 1);
- } else if ((group["name"] == "[Master]") && (name == "volume")) {
- control.setConversion("absoluteNonLin", 0, 5, 1);
- } else if (name == "crossfader") {
- control.setConversion("absoluteLin", -1, 1);
- } else if (name == "headMix") {
- control.setConversion("absoluteLin", -1, 1);
- } else if (name == "volume") {
- control.setConversion("absoluteLin", 0, 1);
- }
- return group;
- }
- this[name] = group;
- return group;
- }
- /*
- * Enabled softTakeover on a control if the controllers value differs to much from Mixxx's state.
- * This can be the case on startup of mix or if a control has been modified inside of Mixxx,
- * if beatsync has been used, ...
- */
- this.softTakeover = function(value, group, control) {
- var controller = this["controller"];
- var control = controller.getByNames(group, control);
- if (Math.abs(control["value"] - value) > 0.1) {
- control["softTakeover"] = true;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If a controller has no eq kill switch, this method can be used to kill frequencies
- * if a knob has been moved to zero. To enable this feature, use .addCallback("kill")
- * on the created control before adding it to its group.
- */
- this.kill = function(value, group, control) {
- var controller = this["controller"];
- var control = controller.getByNames(group, control);
- if (controller.getMixxxValue(control) == 0) {
- engine.setValue(control["group"]["name"], control["name"]+"Kill", 1);
- } else if (engine.getValue(control["group"]["name"], control["name"]+"Kill") == 1) {
- engine.setValue(control["group"]["name"], control["name"]+"Kill", 0);
- }
- }
- /*
- * This callback is added to the play state and toggles of the play buttons led if needed.
- */
- this.playListener = function (value, group, control) {
- var controller = this["controller"];
- var control = controller.getByNames(group, control);
- controller.led(controller.getMixxxValue(control), control["group"]["name"], control["name"]);
- control["activated"] = (controller.getMixxxValue(control) == 1);
- }
- /*
- * Switch a led for a control on or off.
- */
- this.led = function (value, group, control) {
- var led = this.getByNames(group, control)["ledMidiNo"];
- if (value == 1) {
- midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, led, 0x7F);
- } else if (value == 0) {
- midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, led, 0x0);
- }
- }
- /*
- * This method must be called from a concrete controller script to get the cow flying.
- */
- this.dispatch = function (c, midi, value, status) {
- var control = this.getByMidiNo(midi);
- if (control["isButton"]) {
- this.handleButton(control, value);
- } else if (control["isSwitch"]) {
- this.handleSwitch(control, value);
- } else if (control["isMultiButton"]) {
- this.handleMultiButton(control, value);
- } else if (control["name"] == "jogWheel") {
- this.wheelTurn(c, midi, value, status);
- } else {
- this.setMixxxValue(control, value);
- }
- }
- /*
- * This method handles multiButtons.
- */
- this.handleMultiButton = function (control, value) {
- if (value == 127) {
- engine.setValue(control["group"]["name"], control["name"], 1);
- } else if (value == 0x3f) {
- engine.setValue(control["group"]["name"], control["left"], 1);
- } else {
- engine.setValue(control["group"]["name"], control["right"], 1);
- }
- }
- /*
- * This method handles buttons.
- */
- this.handleButton = function (control, value) {
- if (value == 0) {
- this.led(0, control["group"]["name"], control["name"]);
- } else {
- this.led(1, control["group"]["name"], control["name"]);
- }
- if ((control["fireOnKeyUp"] && (value == 0)) || (!control["fireOnKeyUp"] && (value == 127))) {
- this.setMixxxValue(control, 1);
- } else {
- this.setMixxxValue(control, 0);
- }
- }
- /*
- * This method handles switches.
- */
- this.handleSwitch = function (control, value) {
- if ((control["fireOnKeyUp"] && (value == 0)) || (!control["fireOnKeyUp"] && (value == 127))) {
- if (control["name"] == "scratch") {
- var group = control["group"];
- group["scratchingEnabled"] = !group["scratchingEnabled"];
- if (group["scratchingEnabled"]) {
- this.led(1, control["group"]["name"], control["name"]);
- } else {
- this.led(0, control["group"]["name"], control["name"]);
- }
- } else if (control["activated"]) {
- this.setMixxxValue(control, 0);
- this.led(0, control["group"]["name"], control["name"]);
- } else {
- this.setMixxxValue(control, 1);
- this.led(1, control["group"]["name"], control["name"]);
- }
- control["activated"] = !control["activated"];
- }
- }
- /*
- * This method handles a jog wheel for scratching.
- */
- this.wheelTurn = function (channel, control, value, status) {
- var control = Mixage.controls.getByMidiNo(control);
- var group = control["group"];
- // See if we're scratching. If not, just return.
- if (!group["scratchingEnabled"]) return;
- if (!group["scratching"]) {
- var alpha = 1.0/8;
- var beta = alpha/32;
- engine.scratchEnable(group["id"], 128, 100, alpha, beta);
- }
- // Register the movement
- var ramp = (value - 64);
- engine.scratchTick(group["id"], ramp);
- group["scratching"] = true;
- // This two timers check if you are still scratching and disable
- // the function if not.
- engine.beginTimer(20, function() {
- group["scratching"] = false;
- engine.beginTimer(20, function() {
- if (!group["scratching"]) {
- engine.scratchDisable(group["id"]);
- }
- }, true);
- }, true);
- }