path: root/rhautoimport-dn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rhautoimport-dn')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rhautoimport-dn b/rhautoimport-dn
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9e54460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rhautoimport-dn
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# rhautoimport
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Christian Pointner <>
+# This file is part of rhautoimport.
+# rhautoimport is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# any later version.
+# rhautoimport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with rhautoimport. If not, see <>.
+use strict;
+use Date::Calc;
+use Time::localtime;
+use XML::Feed;
+use XML::Feed::Entry;
+use XML::Feed::Content;
+use XML::Feed::Enclosure;
+use URI::URL;
+use IO::Handle;
+use IPC::Open3;
+use RHRD::rddb;
+use lib '/usr/local/share/rhautoimport/';
+use rhautoimport;
+my $STAT_FILE = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/rhautoimport-dn.stat";
+my $FILES_RSS_URL = "";
+my $PV_ID = '111';
+binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");
+binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
+binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
+if($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq 'last') {
+ print "!!!This is the last attempt, there won't be a retry on error!!!\n"
+if($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq 'noheadline') {
+ $STAT_FILE = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/rhautoimport-dn-noheadline.stat";
+my $user = `/usr/bin/id -un`;
+$user =~ s/\n//;
+my $group = "democracyn";
+my ($dbh, $errorstring) = RHRD::rddb::opendb();
+if(!defined $dbh) {
+ print "$errorstring\n";
+ exit 1;
+my @allowed_dbs = RHRD::rddb::get_dropboxes($dbh, $user, $group);
+if(!defined $allowed_dbs[0] && defined $allowed_dbs[2]) {
+ print "$allowed_dbs[2]\n";
+ exit 1;
+my $dropbox = "";
+my $to_cart = 0;
+my @today = Date::Calc::Today();
+my @yesterday = Date::Calc::Add_Delta_Days($today[0], $today[1], $today[2], -1);
+my @tomorrow = Date::Calc::Add_Delta_Days($today[0], $today[1], $today[2], 1);
+my @broadcast_day = @yesterday;
+my @import_day = @today;
+if(localtime->hour >= 12) {
+ print "It's past noon, assuming to import file from today\n";
+ @broadcast_day = @today;
+ @import_day = @tomorrow;
+print "day of original broadcast: " . Date::Calc::Date_to_Text(@broadcast_day) . "\n";
+print "day of Radio Helsinki broadcast: " . Date::Calc::Date_to_Text(@import_day) . "\n";
+for my $href ( @allowed_dbs ) {
+ my $dow = Date::Calc::Day_of_Week(@import_day);
+ if ($dow == int(substr($href->{'NAME'},0,2))) {
+ $dropbox = $href->{'PATH'};
+ $to_cart = $href->{'TO_CART'};
+ }
+if($dropbox eq "") {
+ print "no dropbox for day in question\n";
+ RHRD::rddb::closedb($dbh);
+ exit 0;
+my $y = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $broadcast_day[0], $broadcast_day[1], $broadcast_day[2]);
+my $yc = sprintf("%04d-%02d%02d", $broadcast_day[0], $broadcast_day[1], $broadcast_day[2]);
+print "looking for files from date $y in RSS Feed\n";
+print " -> $FILES_RSS_URL\n";
+my $files_feed = XML::Feed->parse(URI->new($FILES_RSS_URL))
+ or die "Error fetching feed: " . XML::Feed->errstr;
+my $file = "";
+my $out_file = "";
+for my $entry ($files_feed->entries) {
+ if($entry->enclosure && $entry->enclosure->type eq "audio/mpeg") {
+ if($entry->enclosure->url =~ /^https?:\/\/.*\.democracynow\.org\/dn([0-9-]+)-1\.mp3$/) {
+ next if($yc ne $1);
+ my $url = new URI::URL($entry->enclosure->url);
+ my @path = $url->path_components;
+ my $current_file = `cat $STAT_FILE`;
+ if($current_file eq $path[-1]) {
+ print "Already downloaded file of day in question\n";
+ RHRD::rddb::closedb($dbh);
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ $out_file = $path[-1];
+ if(!rhautoimport::check_file_extension($out_file)) {
+ print "\n\nThe extension of the matching file '". $out_file . "' seems to be wrong - manual import necessary!!!\n";
+ RHRD::rddb::closedb($dbh);
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ print $1 . ": downloading " . $entry->enclosure->url . " (" . $entry->enclosure->length . " Bytes) .. ";
+ $file = "/tmp/" . $out_file;
+ system("wget", "--quiet", "--no-check-certificate", $url, "-O", $file);
+ if( $! != 0) {
+ die "wget returned with error: " . $!;
+ }
+ print "ok\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+if($file eq "" || !(-e "$file")) {
+ print "No Entry found from day in qeustion or download error - ";
+ if($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq 'last') {
+ print "giving up, manual import necessary!!!\n";
+ } else {
+ print "will retry later\n";
+ }
+ exit 1;
+ print "\nlooking for headlines from date $y in RSS Feed\n";
+ print " -> $HEADLINES_RSS_URL\n";
+ my $headlines_feed = XML::Feed->parse(URI->new($HEADLINES_RSS_URL))
+ or die "Error fetching feed: " . XML::Feed->errstr;
+ for my $entry ($headlines_feed->entries) {
+ if($entry->enclosure && $entry->enclosure->type eq "audio/mpeg") {
+ my $sum_title = $entry->title;
+ my $sum_text = $entry->summary->body . "\n<br />\n<a href=\"" . $entry->link . "\">" . $entry->link . "</a>\n";
+ if($entry->id =~ /,([0-9-]+):media\/mp3download\/[^\/]+/) {
+ next if($y ne $1);
+ print "summary:\n" . $sum_title . "\n\n" . $sum_text . "\n";
+ rhautoimport::pv_add_note($sum_title, $sum_text, $PV_ID, sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", @import_day), "1", 0);
+ print "\n";
+ rhautoimport::pv_add_note($sum_title, $sum_text, $PV_ID, sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", @import_day), "1", 1);
+ print "\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ print "\nignoring headlines for they are not available by now\n";
+ my $dow_string = Date::Calc::Day_of_Week_to_Text(Date::Calc::Day_of_Week(@broadcast_day));
+ my $sum_title = sprintf("Democracy Now! %04d-%02d-%02d %s", @broadcast_day, $dow_string);
+ my $sum_text = "";
+ print "summary:\n" . $sum_title . "\n\n" . $sum_text . "\n";
+ rhautoimport::pv_add_note($sum_title, $sum_text, $PV_ID, sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", @broadcast_day), "1", 2);
+ print "\n";
+print "converting $file ... ";
+my $infile = $file;
+$file =~ s/\.mp3$/.wav/;
+system("ffmpeg", "-i", $infile, "-acodec", "pcm_s16le", $file);
+if( $! != 0) {
+ die "ffmpeg returned with error: " . $!;
+print "ok\n";
+unlink $infile;
+print "will import $file to dropbox $dropbox (cart=$to_cart)\n\n";
+my $error_cb = sub {
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ print "\n$text";
+ return 0;
+rhautoimport::check_key_file() or die "Import Key not found, use rhautoimport-create-id to create one\n";
+my $ret;
+my $log;
+$log = rhautoimport::clear_carts($dbh, $group, $to_cart);
+my $import_log;
+($ret, $import_log) = rhautoimport::import_single($file, $dropbox, $user, 0, $error_cb);
+$log .= $import_log;
+unlink $file;
+if(!$ret) {
+ print "\nImport Error:\n";
+ print $log;
+ exit 1;
+open(my $fhs, '>', $STAT_FILE);
+print $fhs $out_file;
+exit 0;