/* * rhwebimport * * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Christian Pointner * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Peter Grassberger * * This file is part of rhwebimport. * * rhwebimport is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * rhwebimport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with rhwebimport. If not, see . */ 'use strict'; var Rdxport = Rdxport || {}; var musicpoolsView = null; function musicpools_init(subpage) { var musicpools = new Rdxport.GroupList(); musicpoolsView = new Rdxport.MusicpoolsView(musicpools, subpage); } function musicpools_cleanup() { musicpoolsView = null; } Rdxport.MusicpoolsView = function(model, subpage) { this.model = model; this.musicpoolViews = []; this.currentPoolId = null; this.setCurrentPoolId(subpage); var self = this; $(this.model).on('update', function() { $(self.model.groups).each(function(index, musicpool) { var musicpoolView = new Rdxport.MusicpoolView(musicpool); self.musicpoolViews.push(musicpoolView); }); self.updateSelector(); }); this.model.fetch('musicpool'); }; Rdxport.MusicpoolsView.prototype.setCurrentPoolId = function(currentPoolId) { if (!currentPoolId) { return; } if (this.currentPoolId !== currentPoolId) { if (this.currentPoolId) { history.pushState(null, null, '/musicpools/' + currentPoolId + '/'); } else { history.replaceState(null, null, '/musicpools/' + currentPoolId + '/'); } } this.currentPoolId = currentPoolId; sessionStorage.setItem('currentPoolId', this.currentPoolId); }; Rdxport.MusicpoolsView.prototype.getCurrentPoolView = function() { if (this.model.groups.length === 0) { return null; } if (this.musicpoolViews.length === 0) { return null; } if (this.currentPoolId === null) { this.setCurrentPoolId(this.model.groups[0].clock); } var self = this; var musicpoolViewFound = null; $(this.musicpoolViews).each(function(index, musicpoolView) { if (musicpoolView.model.clock === self.currentPoolId) { musicpoolViewFound = musicpoolView; return true; } }); return musicpoolViewFound; }; Rdxport.MusicpoolsView.prototype.updateSelector = function() { var self = this; var $musicpoolSelector = $('#musicpool-selector'); $musicpoolSelector.off(); $('li', $musicpoolSelector).remove(); $(this.model.groups).sort(function(a, b) { var atitle = a.title.toLowerCase(); var btitle = b.title.toLowerCase(); if(atitle == btitle) { if(a.clock > b.clock) return 1; if(a.clock < b.clock) return -1; return 0; } if(atitle > btitle) return 1; return -1; }).each(function(index, musicpool) { var name = '' + musicpool.title + ' (' + musicpool.clock + ')'; var link = $('').attr('href', '#').html(name).click(function() { self.setCurrentPoolId(musicpool.clock); self.getCurrentPoolView().model.fetchCarts(); }); $musicpoolSelector.append($('
  • ').append(link)); }); if($musicpoolSelector.children().length == 0) { $musicpoolSelector.append($('
  • ').append($('').text('Keinen Musikpool gefunden!'))); } // todo: maybe integrate this into setCurrentShowId? if (!this.currentPoolId) { var currentPoolId = sessionStorage.getItem('currentPoolId'); if (currentPoolId) { this.setCurrentPoolId(currentPoolId); } else { this.setCurrentPoolId(this.model.groups[0].id); } } this.getCurrentPoolView().model.fetchCarts(); }; Rdxport.Musicpool = function(groupName, description, lowcart, highcart, normlevel, trimlevel, title, clock) { if (arguments.length === 1) { Rdxport.Group.call(this, groupName); this.title = $('musicpool-title', this.xml).text(); this.clock = $('musicpool-clock', this.xml).text(); } else { Rdxport.Group.call(this, groupName, description, lowcart, highcart, normlevel, trimlevel); this.title = title; this.clock = clock; } }; Rdxport.Musicpool.prototype = Object.create(Rdxport.Group.prototype); Rdxport.Musicpool.prototype.constructor = Rdxport.Musicpool; Rdxport.MusicpoolView = function(model) { this.model = model; this.cartViews = []; this.$el = null; var self = this; $(this.model).on('update', function() { importer.syncUploads('musicpools', self, function() { self.render(); }); }); }; Rdxport.MusicpoolView.prototype.render = function() { var self = this; this.$el = $('#hiddenTemplates .musicpoolTemplate').clone().removeClass('musicpoolTemplate'); $('#app-musicpools .musicpoolContainer').html(this.$el); $('#musicpool-title').text(this.model.title); $('table tbody tr', this.$el).remove(); this.cartViews = []; $(this.model.carts).each(function(index, cart) { var cartView = new Rdxport.MusicpoolCartView(cart); self.cartViews.push(cartView); $('table > tbody', self.$el).append(cartView.$el); }); var uploads = importer.getUploadsByGroupName(this.model.name); $(uploads).each(function(index, upload) { var $el = Rdxport.MusicpoolCartView.renderUploading(upload); var $cart = $('#musicpool-' + upload.cartNumber, self.$el); if (upload.cartNumber && $cart.length > 0) { $cart.replaceWith($el); } else { $('table > tbody', self.$el).append($el); } if (upload.error) { self.uploadError(upload); } }); $('.uploadButton', this.$el).on('click', function() { importer.openModal(self.model, self, null, true, true); }); }; Rdxport.MusicpoolView.prototype.uploadProgress = function(upload) { if (!upload.uploadId) { return; } var $cart = $('tr[data-upload-id="' + upload.uploadId + '"]').first(); if (!$cart.hasClass('uploading')) { var $progressBar = $('.progressBarTemplate.musicpools').clone().removeClass('progressBarTemplate'); $cart.html($progressBar.html()); $('button', $cart).on('click', function() { upload.cancel(); }); $cart.addClass('uploading'); } if (upload.title) { $('.file-name', $cart).text(upload.title); } if (upload.cartNumber) { $('.cart-number', $cart).text(upload.cartNumber); } updateProgressBar($cart, upload); }; Rdxport.MusicpoolView.prototype.uploadError = function(upload) { var reason = $('').addClass('label').addClass('label-danger').text(upload.errorStatus).after($('').text(' ' + upload.errorString)); var dismiss_button = ''; var $errorRow = $('') .attr('data-upload-id', upload.uploadId) .append($('').addClass('.cart-number').text('...')) .append($('').addClass('file-name')) .append($('').append($('').text('Import Fehler'))) .append($('').append(reason)) .append($('').css('text-align', 'center').append(dismiss_button)); if (upload.cartNumber) { $('.cart-number', $errorRow).text(upload.cartNumber); } if (upload.title) { $('.file-name', $errorRow).text(upload.title); } $('button', $errorRow).on('click', function() { upload.close(); }); var $cart = $('tr[data-upload-id="' + upload.uploadId + '"]').first(); $cart.replaceWith($errorRow); }; Rdxport.MusicpoolCartView = function(model) { this.model = model; this.$spinner = null; this.$el = null; this.render(); }; Rdxport.MusicpoolCartView.prototype.render = function() { var length = '-'; var imported = '-'; var playcnt = '-'; var lastplayed = '-'; if (this.model.cuts.length > 0) { var cut = this.model.cuts[0]; length = msToTimeString(Number(cut.length)); if (!isNaN(cut.originDatetime)) { imported = format_datetime(cut.originDatetime); } playcnt = cut.playCounter; if (!isNaN(cut.lastPlayDatetime)) { lastplayed = format_datetime(cut.lastPlayDatetime); } } var deleteButton = $(''); var self = this; deleteButton.on('click', function() { self.delete(); }); this.$spinner = $('#hiddenTemplates .spinnerTemplate').clone().removeClass('spinnerTemplate'); this.$el = $('') .attr('id', 'musicpool-' + this.model.number) .append($('').text(this.model.number)) .append($('').text(this.model.title)) .append($('').text(this.model.artist)) .append($('').text(this.model.album)) .append($('').text(length)) .append($('').text(imported)) .append($('').text(playcnt)) .append($('').text(lastplayed)) .append($('').addClass('text-center').append(deleteButton)); }; Rdxport.MusicpoolCartView.renderUploading = function(upload) { var $progressBar = $('.progressBarTemplate.musicpools').clone().removeClass('progressBarTemplate'); $('.file-name', $progressBar).text(upload.title); var $el = $('') .html($progressBar.html()) .addClass('uploading') .attr('data-upload-id', upload.uploadId); if (upload.cartNumber) { $el.attr('id', 'musicpool-' + upload.cartNumber); } $('button', $el).on('click', function() { upload.cancel(); }); updateProgressBar($el, upload); return $el; }; Rdxport.MusicpoolCartView.prototype.delete = function() { this.$el.find('td:last').html(this.$spinner); var self = this; rdxport.removeCart(this.model.number, function() { self.model.group.removeCart(self.model); self.$el.remove(); }); };