/* * rhrdweb * * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Pointner * * This file is part of rhrdweb. * * rhrdweb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * rhrdweb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with rhrdweb. If not, see . */ 'use strict'; var rh = rh || {}; /***************** models *****************/ var shows = null; rh.ShowList = function() { this.$this = $(this); this.shows = []; this.request_sent = false; }; rh.ShowList.prototype.fetch = function() { var self = this; this.request_sent = true; self.$this.trigger('pre-update'); $.getJSON( "/pv-export/timeslots_specials.json", function(data) { self.shows = []; $.each(data, function(showid, showdata) { var show = new rh.Show(showdata); self.shows.push(show); }); self.$this.trigger('update'); }).fail(function() { alert("Error") }).always(function() { self.request_sent = false; }); }; rh.Show = function(show) { this.id = show.id; this.title = show.title.replace(" (Sondersendung)", ""); this.pv_id = show.pv_id; this.pv_name = show.pv_name; this.pv_start = "??:??"; this.pv_end = "??:??"; if(typeof show.pv_start !== 'undefined') { this.pv_start = new Date(show.pv_start.replace("_", "T")); } if(typeof show.pv_end !== 'undefined') { this.pv_end = new Date(show.pv_end.replace("_", "T")); } }; /***************** views *****************/ var showListView = null; rh.ShowListView = function(model) { this.model = model; this.showViews = []; var self = this; $(this.model).on('pre-update', function() { self.render_loading(); }); $(this.model).on('update', function() { self.render_list(); }); this.model.fetch(); }; rh.ShowListView.prototype.render_list = function() { $('#loading').hide(); var list = $('#shows'); $('div.show', list).remove(); this.showViews = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.model.shows.length; i++) { var showView = new rh.ShowView(this.model.shows[i], this); this.showViews.push(showView); showView.render(); list.append(showView.$el); } list.show(); }; rh.ShowListView.prototype.render_loading = function() { $('#shows').hide(); $('#loading').show(); }; rh.ShowView = function(model, listView) { this.model = model; this.listView = listView; this.$el = $('
').addClass('row'); }; rh.ShowView.prototype.render = function() { var showlink = $('').attr('href', "https://import.helsinki.at/shows/" + this.model.id) .attr('target', "import").text(this.model.title); var title = $('').addClass('show-title').append(showlink); var rd = $('
').addClass('col-md-3 col-md-offset-1').append(title); var tag = $('
').addClass('col-md-1'); var pv = $('
').addClass('col-md-7'); if(this.model.pv_id >= 0) { var pvlink = $('').attr('href', "https://pv.helsinki.at/admin/program/show/" + this.model.pv_id) .attr('target', "import").text(this.model.pv_name); var pvtitle = $('').addClass('pv-title').append(pvlink); var start_end = format_datetime(this.model.pv_start) + " - "; if(compare_date(this.model.pv_start, this.model.pv_end)) { start_end += format_time(this.model.pv_end); } else { start_end += format_datetime(this.model.pv_end); } var pvtimes = $('').addClass('pv-time').text(start_end); pv.append(pvtitle).append(pvtimes); tag.append($('
').addClass('label label-danger').text("used")); } else { pv.text("-"); tag.append($('
').addClass('label label-success').text("free")); } this.$el.empty().append(rd).append(tag).append(pv); } /***************** controller *****************/ function specials_init() { shows = new rh.ShowList(); showListView = new rh.ShowListView(shows); }