#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#  rhrdlibs
#  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Christian Pointner <equinox@helsinki.at>
#  This file is part of rhrdlibs.
#  rhrdlibs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  any later version.
#  rhrdlibs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with rhrdlibs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

use strict;
use lib "../lib/";
use RHRD::rddb;

sub print_usage
  print STDERR "Usage: rhrd-sanity-check\n";

my $num_args = $#ARGV + 1;
if($num_args > 0) {

sub check_showids
  my ($ctx) = @_;

  my $errors = 0,
  print "showids:\n";

  my @showids = RHRD::rddb::list_showids($ctx);
  if(!defined $showids[0] && defined $showids[1]) {
    print STDERR "$showids[1]: $showids[2]";
    return -1;
  for my $showid (@showids) {
    my @carts = RHRD::rddb::get_show_carts($ctx, $showid);
    if(!defined $carts[0] && defined $carts[1]) {
      print " showid '" . $showid . "': $carts[2]\n";
    if(scalar @carts == 0) {
      print " showid '" . $showid . "': log is empty\n";

    my ($group, $status, $errorstring) = RHRD::rddb::get_show_group($ctx, $showid);
    unless(defined($group)) {
      print " showid '" . $showid . "': has no dropbox assigned\n";
    } else {
  print "\n " . $errors . " errors found\n";

  return $errors;

sub check_logs
  my ($ctx) = @_;

  my $errors = 0,
  print "logs:\n";

  my @logs = RHRD::rddb::list_logs($ctx);
  if(!defined $logs[0] && defined $logs[1]) {
    print STDERR "$logs[1]: $logs[2]";
    return -1;
  for my $log (@logs) {
    my ($log_exists, $status, $errorstring) = RHRD::rddb::check_log_exists($ctx, $log);
    if(!defined $log_exists) {
      print STDERR "$status: $errorstring";
      return -1;
    unless($log_exists) {
      print " log '" . $log . "': does not exist\n";

    (my $log_tab_exists, $status, $errorstring) = RHRD::rddb::check_log_table_exists($ctx, $log);
    if(!defined $log_tab_exists) {
      print STDERR "$status: $errorstring";
      return -1;
    if($log_tab_exists) {
      unless($log_exists) {
        print " log '" . $log . "': this log shouldn't not exist but there is a table named after it\n";
    } else {
      if($log_exists) {
        print " log '" . $log . "': this log should exist but there is no table named after it\n";

  print "\n " . $errors . " errors found\n";

  return $errors;

# -2 .. range is entirely below class range
# -1 .. range overlaps with class range (low boundary)
#  0 .. range is inside class range
#  1 .. range overlaps with class range (high boundary)
#  2 .. range is entirely above class range
sub check_groups__check_cart_range
  my ($low, $high, $class_low, $class_high) = @_;

  if($low < $class_low) {
    return -1 if($high >= $class_low);
    return -2;

  if($low <= $class_high) {
    return 0 if($high <= $class_high);
    return 1;

  return 2;

sub check_groups__check_show_group
  my ($ctx, $group, $low, $high, $type) = @_;

  my $errors = 0;

  my @carts = RHRD::rddb::get_show_group_carts_used($ctx, $group);
  if(!defined $carts[0] && defined $carts[1]) {
    print STDERR $carts[1] . ": " . $carts[2] . "\n";
    return -1;
  if(scalar @carts == 0) {
    print " group '" . $group . "': carts are not used by any show\n";

  my ($nownext, $traffic, $music) = RHRD::rddb::get_group_reports($ctx, $group);
  unless(defined $nownext) {
    print STDERR $traffic . ": " . $music . "\n";
    return -1;
  unless($nownext eq 'Y') {
    print " group '" . $group . "': show carts with now/next disabled\n";
  unless($traffic eq 'N') {
    print " group '" . $group . "': show carts with traffic reports enabled\n";
  unless($music eq 'N') {
    print " group '" . $group . "': show carts with music reports enabled\n";

  return $errors;

sub check_groups__check_musicpool_group
  my ($ctx, $group, $low, $high, $type) = @_;

  my $errors = 0;

  # TODO: check for pool size: should be > 150

  my ($nownext, $traffic, $music) = RHRD::rddb::get_group_reports($ctx, $group);
  unless(defined $nownext) {
    print STDERR $traffic . ": " . $music . "\n";
    return -1;
  unless($nownext eq 'Y') {
    print " group '" . $group . "': musicpool carts with now/next disabled\n";
  unless($traffic eq 'N') {
    print " group '" . $group . "': musicpool carts with traffic reports enabled\n";
  unless($music eq 'Y') {
    print " group '" . $group . "': musicpool carts with music reports disabled\n";

  return $errors;

sub check_groups__check_jingle_group
  my ($ctx, $group, $low, $high, $type) = @_;

  my $errors = 0;

  # TODO: check whether enough evergreens are imported: should be > 3

  my ($nownext, $traffic, $music) = RHRD::rddb::get_group_reports($ctx, $group);
  unless(defined $nownext) {
    print STDERR $traffic . ": " . $music . "\n";
    return -1;
  unless($nownext eq 'Y') {
    print " group '" . $group . "': jingle carts with now/next disabled\n";
  unless($traffic eq 'N') {
    print " group '" . $group . "': jingle carts with traffic reports enabled\n";
  unless($music eq 'N') {
    print " group '" . $group . "': jingle carts with music reports enabled\n";

  return $errors;

sub check_groups
  my ($ctx) = @_;

  my $errors = 0;
  print "groups:\n";

  my ($shows_low_cart, $shows_high_cart, $shows_chunk_size) = RHRD::rddb::get_shows_cart_range($ctx);
  if(!$shows_low_cart) {
    print "$shows_high_cart: $shows_chunk_size\n";
    return -1;

  my ($musicpools_low_cart, $musicpools_high_cart, $musicpools_chunk_size) = RHRD::rddb::get_musicpools_cart_range($ctx);
  if(!$musicpools_low_cart) {
    print "$musicpools_high_cart: $musicpools_chunk_size\n";
    return -1;

  my ($jingles_low_cart, $jingles_high_cart, $jingles_chunk_size) = RHRD::rddb::get_jingles_cart_range($ctx);
  if(!$jingles_low_cart) {
    print "$jingles_high_cart: $jingles_chunk_size\n";
    return -1;

  my @groups = RHRD::rddb::list_groups($ctx);
  if(!defined $groups[0] && defined $groups[1]) {
    print STDERR "$groups[1]: $groups[2]";
    return -1;
  for my $group (@groups) {
    next if($group eq $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'system'});
    next if($group eq $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'shows'});
    next if($group eq $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allshows'});
    next if($group eq $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allpools'});
    next if($group eq $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'alljingles'});

    my ($low_cart, $high_cart, $cart_type, $enforce_range) = RHRD::rddb::get_group_cart_range($ctx, $group);
    if($low_cart > $high_cart) {
      print " group '" . $group . "': cart range is invalid low > high\n";
    if($enforce_range ne 'Y') {
      print " group '" . $group . "': cart range is not enforced\n";

    my @users = RHRD::rddb::get_group_members($ctx, $group);
    if(!defined $users[0] && defined $users[1]) {
      print STDERR "$users[2]\n";
      return -1;
    if(scalar @users == 0) {
      print " group '" . $group . "': has no members\n";

    my $type = undef;
    my $res = check_groups__check_cart_range($low_cart, $high_cart, $shows_low_cart, $shows_high_cart);
    if($res == 0) {
      $type = 'S';
      $res = check_groups__check_show_group($ctx, $group, $low_cart, $high_cart);
      return $res if $res < 0;
      $errors += $res;
    } elsif($res == -1 || $res == 1) {
      print " group '" . $group . "': cart range is overlapping with show cart range but is not a subset of it\n";

    $res = check_groups__check_cart_range($low_cart, $high_cart, $musicpools_low_cart, $musicpools_high_cart);
    if($res == 0) {
      $type = 'M';
      $res = check_groups__check_musicpool_group($ctx, $group, $low_cart, $high_cart);
      return $res if $res < 0;
      $errors += $res;
    } elsif($res == -1 || $res == 1) {
      print " group '" . $group . "': cart range is overlapping with musicpool cart range but is not a subset of it\n";

    $res = check_groups__check_cart_range($low_cart, $high_cart, $jingles_low_cart, $jingles_high_cart);
    if($res == 0) {
      $type = 'J';
      $res = check_groups__check_jingle_group($ctx, $group, $low_cart, $high_cart);
      return $res if $res < 0;
      $errors += $res;
    } elsif($res == -1 || $res == 1) {
      print " group '" . $group . "': cart range is overlapping with jingle cart range but is not a subset of it\n";

    if(!defined($type)) {
      print " group '" . $group . "': cart range is at least partly outside of all class ranges\n";
  print "\n " . $errors . " errors found\n";

  return $errors;

sub check_dropboxes
  my ($ctx) = @_;

  my $errors = 0;
  print "dropboxes:\n";

  print "\n " . $errors . " errors found\n";

  return $errors;

my $errors = 0;
my ($ctx, $status, $errorstring) = RHRD::rddb::init();
if(defined $ctx) {
  for(;;) {
    my $ret = check_showids($ctx);
    if($ret < 0) {
      $errors = $ret;
    } else { $errors += $ret }

    print "\n";

    $ret = check_logs($ctx);
    if($ret < 0) {
      $errors = $ret;
    } else { $errors += $ret }

    print "\n";

    $ret = check_groups($ctx);
    if($ret < 0) {
      $errors = $ret;
    } else { $errors += $ret }

    print "\n";

    $ret = check_dropboxes($ctx);
    if($ret < 0) {
      $errors = $ret;
    } else { $errors += $ret }

} else {
  print STDERR "$errorstring\n";
  $errors = -1;

exit $errors;