# rddb.pm # # rhrdlibs # # Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Pointner # # This file is part of rhrdlibs. # # rhrdlibs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # any later version. # # rhrdlibs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with rhrdlibs. If not, see . # package RHRD::rddb; use strict; use Config::IniFiles; use DBI; sub opendb { my $RD_CONF = "/etc/rd.conf"; # TODO: hardcoded value my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => $RD_CONF) or return (undef , 'ERROR', "Config File Error: " . join("\n", @Config::IniFiles::errors)); my $dbhost = $cfg->val('mySQL', 'Hostname'); my $dbname = $cfg->val('mySQL', 'Database'); my $dbuser = $cfg->val('mySQL', 'Loginname'); my $dbpasswd = $cfg->val('mySQL', 'Password'); my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpasswd") or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $DBI::errstr); $dbh->do(qq{SET CHARACTER SET utf8;}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); return ($dbh, 'OK', 'success'); } sub closedb { my $dbh = shift; $dbh->disconnect(); } sub get_token { my ($dbh, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{select PASSWORD from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($token) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $token) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell") } return ($token, 'OK', 'success'); } sub set_token { my ($dbh, $username, $token) = @_; if(!defined $token || $token eq '') { return (undef, 'ERROR', "empty token is not allowed") } my $sql = qq{update USERS set PASSWORD = ? where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $rows = $dbh->do($sql, undef, $token, $username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); unless($rows == 1) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell") } return ($token, 'OK', 'success'); } sub check_token { my ($dbh, $username, $token) = @_; if(!defined $token || $token eq '') { return (undef, 'ERROR', "empty token is not allowed") } my $sql = qq{select PASSWORD from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($token_result) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $token_result) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell") } if($token_result eq $token) { return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } return (0, 'ERROR', "wrong password"); } sub add_user { my ($dbh, $username, $token, $fullname) = @_; if(!defined $token || $token eq '') { return (undef, 'ERROR', "empty token is not allowed") } if(!defined $fullname) { $fullname = ''; } my $sql = qq{insert into USERS (LOGIN_NAME, FULL_NAME, PHONE_NUMBER, DESCRIPTION, PASSWORD, ENABLE_WEB, ADMIN_USERS_PRIV, ADMIN_CONFIG_PRIV, CREATE_CARTS_PRIV, DELETE_CARTS_PRIV, MODIFY_CARTS_PRIV, EDIT_AUDIO_PRIV, ASSIGN_CART_PRIV, CREATE_LOG_PRIV, DELETE_LOG_PRIV, DELETE_REC_PRIV, PLAYOUT_LOG_PRIV, ARRANGE_LOG_PRIV, MODIFY_TEMPLATE_PRIV, ADDTO_LOG_PRIV, REMOVEFROM_LOG_PRIV, CONFIG_PANELS_PRIV, VOICETRACK_LOG_PRIV, EDIT_CATCHES_PRIV, ADD_PODCAST_PRIV, EDIT_PODCAST_PRIV, DELETE_PODCAST_PRIV) values ( ?, ?, "", "", ? , "N", "N", "N", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N");}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($username, $token, $fullname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', "success"); } sub remove_user { my ($dbh, $username) = @_; my @actions = ({ # Delete RSS Feed Perms sql => qq{delete from FEED_PERMS where USER_NAME = ?;}, name => 'podcast feed assignments', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Member User Perms sql => qq{delete from USER_PERMS where USER_NAME = ?;}, name => 'group assignments', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete from User List sql => qq{delete from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}, name => 'user entries', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete from Cached Web Connections sql => qq{delete from WEB_CONNECTIONS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}, name => 'cached web connections', cnt => 0 }); for my $href (@actions) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare($href->{sql}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); delete($href->{sql}); $href->{cnt} = $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); } return @actions; } sub check_user { my ($dbh, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{select count(*) from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($cnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if ($cnt != 0) { $sql = qq{select count(*) from STATIONS where DEFAULT_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); ($cnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if($cnt) { return (2, 'OK', "user '" . $username . "' is known by rivendell and is the default user of at least one station"); } else { return (1, 'OK', "user '" . $username . "' is known by rivendell and isn't the default user of any station"); } } return (0, 'OK', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell"); } sub get_users { my ($dbh) = @_; my $sql = qq{select LOGIN_NAME from USERS order by LOGIN_NAME;}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @users; while(my ($user) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @users, $user; } $sth->finish(); return @users; } sub get_showtitle_and_log { my ($dbh, $showid) = @_; my $sql = qq{select TITLE,MACROS from CART where NUMBER = ?;}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute($showid) or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($title, $macros) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $title) { return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Show with ID=" . $showid . " not found!") } unless(defined $macros) { return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Show with ID=" . $showid . " has no macro!"); } unless($macros =~ /^LL 1 ([^ ]+) 0\!$/) { return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Show with ID=" . $showid . " has invalid macro: '" . $macros . "'"); } my $log = $1; return ($title, $log, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_dropboxes { my ($dbh, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{select USER_PERMS.GROUP_NAME,DROPBOXES.TO_CART,DROPBOXES.NORMALIZATION_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.AUTOTRIM_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.SET_USER_DEFINED,GROUPS.DEFAULT_LOW_CART,GROUPS.DEFAULT_HIGH_CART,GROUPS.DESCRIPTION from USER_PERMS, DROPBOXES, GROUPS where USER_PERMS.USER_NAME=? and DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME=USER_PERMS.GROUP_NAME and DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME=GROUPS.NAME and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME=?;}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute($username, 'import-dropbox') # TODO: hardcoded value or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @allowed_dbs; while(my ($group, $to_cart, $normlevel, $trimlevel, $params, $lowcart, $highcart, $groupdesc) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my @p = split(';', $params); my $entry = {}; $entry->{'GROUP'} = $group; $entry->{'GROUPDESC'} = $groupdesc; $entry->{'GROUPLOWCART'} = int $lowcart; $entry->{'GROUPHIGHCART'} = int $highcart; $entry->{'NORMLEVEL'} = int $normlevel; $entry->{'TRIMLEVEL'} = int $trimlevel; $entry->{'PARAM'} = $params; if($p[0] eq "S") { $entry->{'TYPE'} = 'show'; $entry->{'SHOWID'} = $to_cart; my ($title, $log, $status, $errorstring) = get_showtitle_and_log($dbh, $to_cart); unless (defined $title && defined $log) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } $entry->{'SHOWTITLE'} = $title; $entry->{'SHOWLOG'} = $log; $entry->{'SHOWRHYTHM'} = $p[1]; $entry->{'SHOWDOW'} = int $p[2]; $entry->{'SHOWDOW'} = 0 unless $entry->{'SHOWDOW'} < 7; substr($p[3], 2, 0) = ':'; $entry->{'SHOWSTARTTIME'} = $p[3]; $entry->{'SHOWLEN'} = int $p[4]; } elsif($p[0] eq "J") { $entry->{'TYPE'} = 'jingle'; $entry->{'JINGLETITLE'} = $groupdesc; } elsif($p[0] eq "M") { $entry->{'TYPE'} = 'musicpool'; $entry->{'MUSICPOOLTITLE'} = $groupdesc; } push @allowed_dbs, $entry; } $sth->finish(); return @allowed_dbs; } sub get_show_carts { my ($dbh, $logname, $group_low_cart, $group_high_cart) = @_; my $sql = qq{select LOG_EXISTS from LOGS where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute($logname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my $log_exists = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); if(!defined $log_exists || $log_exists ne 'Y') { return (undef, 'ERROR', "Log with name '$logname' does not exist") } $logname=~s/ /_/g; $logname = $dbh->quote_identifier($logname . '_LOG'); $sql = qq{select COUNT,CART_NUMBER from $logname order by COUNT;}; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @carts; while(my ($count, $cart) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { if($cart >= $group_low_cart && $cart <= $group_high_cart) { push @carts, $cart; } } $sth->finish(); return @carts; } return 1;