# rddb.pm # # rhrdlibs # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Christian Pointner <equinox@helsinki.at> # # This file is part of rhrdlibs. # # rhrdlibs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # any later version. # # rhrdlibs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with rhrdlibs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # package RHRD::rddb; use strict; use Config::IniFiles; use DBI; use RHRD::utils; use DateTime; use Date::Calc; ########################### constants ########################### use constant { DB_VERSION => 250, RD_CONFIG_FILE => '/etc/rd.conf', RD_INVALID_CART => 0, RD_MIN_CART => 1, RD_MAX_CART => 999999, RD_MIN_CUT => 1, RD_MAX_CUT => 999, RD_FADE_DEPTH => -3000, RHRD_CONFIG_FILE => '/etc/rhrd.conf', }; ########################### context handling ########################### sub init { my %ctx; my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => RHRD_CONFIG_FILE) or return (undef , 'ERROR', "RHRD Config File Error: " . join("\n", @Config::IniFiles::errors)); $ctx{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'system'} = $cfg->val('specialgroups', 'system', 'SYSTEM'); $ctx{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'multishows'} = $cfg->val('specialgroups', 'multishows', 'MULTISHOWS'); $ctx{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'shows'} = $cfg->val('specialgroups', 'shows', 'SHOWS'); $ctx{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allshows'} = $cfg->val('specialgroups', 'allshows', 'ALL_SHOWS'); $ctx{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allpools'} = $cfg->val('specialgroups', 'allpools', 'ALL_POOLS'); $ctx{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'alljingles'} = $cfg->val('specialgroups', 'alljingles', 'ALL_JINGLE'); @{$ctx{'config'}{'specialusers'}{'no-update-token'}} = split(' ', $cfg->val('specialusers', 'no-update-token', '')); $ctx{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'} = $cfg->val('dropboxes', 'dropbox-pseudo-station', 'import-dropbox'); $ctx{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'norm-level'} = $cfg->val('dropboxes', 'norm-level', -1200); $ctx{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'trim-level'} = $cfg->val('dropboxes', 'trim-level', 0); $ctx{'config'}{'shows'}{'service'} = $cfg->val('shows', 'service', ''); $ctx{'config'}{'shows'}{'defaultuser'} = $cfg->val('shows', 'defaultuser', ''); $ctx{'config'}{'shows'}{'schedule-lifetime'} = $cfg->val('shows', 'schedule-lifetime', 35); @{$ctx{'config'}{'shows'}{'logprefix'}} = split(' ', $cfg->val('shows', 'logprefix', '')); @{$ctx{'config'}{'shows'}{'logsuffix'}} = split(' ', $cfg->val('shows', 'logsuffix', '')); my ($dbh, $status, $errorstring) = opendb(); unless(defined $dbh) { return ($dbh, $status, $errorstring); } $ctx{'dbh'} = $dbh; return \%ctx; } sub destroy { my ($ctx) = @_; closedb($ctx->{'dbh'}); } sub opendb { my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new(-file => RD_CONFIG_FILE) or return (undef , 'ERROR', "RD Config File Error: " . join("\n", @Config::IniFiles::errors)); my $dbhost = $cfg->val('mySQL', 'Hostname'); my $dbname = $cfg->val('mySQL', 'Database'); my $dbuser = $cfg->val('mySQL', 'Loginname'); my $dbpasswd = $cfg->val('mySQL', 'Password'); my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpasswd") or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $DBI::errstr); $dbh->do(qq{SET CHARACTER SET utf8;}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{select DB from VERSION;}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $dbh->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($dbver) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if($dbver != DB_VERSION) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "Wrong Database Version " . $dbver . " (should be " . DB_VERSION . ")"); } return ($dbh, 'OK', 'success'); } sub closedb { my $dbh = shift; $dbh->disconnect(); } ########################### utils ########################### sub get_cart_range { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select DEFAULT_LOW_CART, DEFAULT_HIGH_CART, DEFAULT_TITLE from GROUPS where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($low_cart, $high_cart, $chunk_size) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $low_cart) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "group '" . $groupname . "' does not exist"); } return ($low_cart, $high_cart, $chunk_size); } sub get_showid_range { my ($ctx) = @_; return get_cart_range($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'shows'}) } sub get_multi_showid_range { my ($ctx) = @_; return get_cart_range($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'multishows'}) } sub get_next_free_slot { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my ($group_low_cart, $group_high_cart, $group_chunksize) = get_cart_range($ctx, $groupname); my $sql = qq{select NAME, DEFAULT_LOW_CART, DEFAULT_HIGH_CART from GROUPS where NAME != ? and DEFAULT_LOW_CART >= ? and DEFAULT_HIGH_CART <= ? order by DEFAULT_LOW_CART;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname, $group_low_cart, $group_high_cart) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($low_cart, $high_cart) = ($group_low_cart, $group_low_cart + $group_chunksize - 1); while(my ($slot_name, $slot_low_cart, $slot_high_cart) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { my $slot_chunksize = $slot_high_cart - $slot_low_cart + 1; # print " --> " . $slot_name . ": " . $slot_low_cart . " - " . $slot_high_cart . " (" . $slot_chunksize . ")\n";; if($slot_chunksize != $group_chunksize) { $sth->finish(); return (undef, 'ERROR', "group " . $slot_name . " has wrong chunksize " . $slot_chunksize . " != " . $group_chunksize); } if($high_cart < $slot_low_cart) { last; # found a hole... } ($low_cart, $high_cart) = ($slot_high_cart + 1, $slot_high_cart + $group_chunksize); } $sth->finish(); if($high_cart > $group_high_cart) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "there are no more free group cart slots"); } return ($low_cart, $high_cart); } sub set_cut_evergreen { my ($ctx, $cart, $cut, $value) = @_; my $cut_name = sprintf("%06d_%03d", $cart, $cut); if($value && $value ne 'N') { $value = 'Y'; } else { $value = 'N'; } my $sql = qq{update CUTS set EVERGREEN = ? where CUT_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($value, $cut_name) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', 'success'); } sub check_log_exists { my ($ctx, $logname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select LOG_EXISTS from LOGS where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($logname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($log_exists) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if(!defined $log_exists || $log_exists ne 'Y') { return (0, 'OK', 'log does not exist'); } return (1, 'OK', 'log exists'); } sub get_log_table_name { my ($logname) = @_; $logname=~s/ /_/g; return $logname . '_LOG'; } sub get_log_table_name_escaped { my ($ctx, $logname) = @_; return $ctx->{'dbh'}->quote_identifier(get_log_table_name($logname)); } sub check_log_table_exists { my ($ctx, $logname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = DATABASE() and table_name = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $log_tabname = get_log_table_name($logname); $sth->execute($log_tabname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($cnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); unless($cnt) { return ($cnt, 'OK', 'log table does not exist'); } return ($cnt, 'OK', 'log table exists'); } sub create_log_table { my ($ctx, $logname) = @_; $logname = get_log_table_name_escaped($ctx, $logname); my $sql = qq{ create table if not exists $logname (ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, COUNT INT NOT NULL, TYPE INT DEFAULT 0, SOURCE INT NOT NULL, START_TIME int, GRACE_TIME int default 0, CART_NUMBER INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, TIME_TYPE INT NOT NULL, POST_POINT enum('N','Y') default 'N', TRANS_TYPE INT NOT NULL, START_POINT INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, END_POINT INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, FADEUP_POINT int default -1, FADEUP_GAIN int default ?, FADEDOWN_POINT int default -1, FADEDOWN_GAIN int default ?, SEGUE_START_POINT INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, SEGUE_END_POINT INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, SEGUE_GAIN int default ?, DUCK_UP_GAIN int default 0, DUCK_DOWN_GAIN int default 0, COMMENT CHAR(255), LABEL CHAR(64), ORIGIN_USER char(255), ORIGIN_DATETIME datetime, EVENT_LENGTH int default -1, LINK_EVENT_NAME char(64), LINK_START_TIME int, LINK_LENGTH int default 0, LINK_START_SLOP int default 0, LINK_END_SLOP int default 0, LINK_ID int default -1, LINK_EMBEDDED enum('N','Y') default 'N', EXT_START_TIME time, EXT_LENGTH int, EXT_CART_NAME char(32), EXT_DATA char(32), EXT_EVENT_ID char(32), EXT_ANNC_TYPE char(8), index COUNT_IDX (COUNT), index CART_NUMBER_IDX (CART_NUMBER), index LABEL_IDX (LABEL)); }; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute(RD_FADE_DEPTH, RD_FADE_DEPTH, RD_FADE_DEPTH) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub fill_log_table { my $ctx = shift; my $logname = shift; my @carts = @_; $logname = get_log_table_name_escaped($ctx, $logname); my $sql_log = qq{insert into $logname (ID, COUNT, TYPE, START_TIME, CART_NUMBER, TRANS_TYPE, TIME_TYPE) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);}; my $sql_cart_type = qq{select TYPE from CART where NUMBER = ?;}; my $sth_log = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql_log) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $sth_cart_type = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql_cart_type) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = 0; for my $cart (@carts) { $sth_cart_type->execute($cart->{'NUMBER'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth_log->errstr); my ($type) = $sth_cart_type->fetchrow_array; $type = 0 unless(defined($type) && $type == 2); $sth_log->execute($cnt + 1, $cnt, $type, $cart->{'START_TIME'}, $cart->{'NUMBER'}, $cart->{'TRANS_TYPE'}, $cart->{'TIME_TYPE'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth_log->errstr); $sth_log->finish(); $cnt++; } return ($cnt+1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub drop_log_table { my ($ctx, $logname) = @_; $logname = get_log_table_name_escaped($ctx, $logname); my $sql = qq{drop table $logname;}; $ctx->{'dbh'}->do($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_logevent_table_name { my ($shortname, $pre) = @_; $shortname=~s/ /_/g; return $shortname . ($pre ? '_PRE' : '_POST'); } sub get_logevent_table_name_escaped { my ($ctx, $shortname, $pre) = @_; return $ctx->{'dbh'}->quote_identifier(get_logevent_table_name($shortname, $pre)); } sub create_logevent_table { my ($ctx, $shortname, $pre) = @_; my $tabname = get_logevent_table_name_escaped($ctx, $shortname, $pre); my $sql = qq{ create table if not exists $tabname (ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, COUNT INT NOT NULL, TYPE INT DEFAULT 0, SOURCE INT NOT NULL, START_TIME int, GRACE_TIME int default 0, CART_NUMBER INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, TIME_TYPE INT NOT NULL, POST_POINT enum('N','Y') default 'N', TRANS_TYPE INT NOT NULL, START_POINT INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, END_POINT INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, FADEUP_POINT int default -1, FADEUP_GAIN int default ?, FADEDOWN_POINT int default -1, FADEDOWN_GAIN int default ?, SEGUE_START_POINT INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, SEGUE_END_POINT INT NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, SEGUE_GAIN int default ?, DUCK_UP_GAIN int default 0, DUCK_DOWN_GAIN int default 0, COMMENT CHAR(255), LABEL CHAR(64), ORIGIN_USER char(255), ORIGIN_DATETIME datetime, EVENT_LENGTH int default -1, LINK_EVENT_NAME char(64), LINK_START_TIME int, LINK_LENGTH int default 0, LINK_START_SLOP int default 0, LINK_END_SLOP int default 0, LINK_ID int default -1, LINK_EMBEDDED enum('N','Y') default 'N', EXT_START_TIME time, EXT_LENGTH int, EXT_CART_NAME char(32), EXT_DATA char(32), EXT_EVENT_ID char(32), EXT_ANNC_TYPE char(8), index COUNT_IDX (COUNT), index CART_NUMBER_IDX (CART_NUMBER), index LABEL_IDX (LABEL)); }; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute(RD_FADE_DEPTH, RD_FADE_DEPTH, RD_FADE_DEPTH) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub drop_logevent_table { my ($ctx, $shortname, $pre) = @_; my $tabname = get_logevent_table_name_escaped($ctx, $shortname, $pre); my $sql = qq{drop table $tabname;}; $ctx->{'dbh'}->do($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_clock_table_name { my ($clockname) = @_; $clockname=~s/ /_/g; return $clockname . '_CLK'; } sub get_clock_table_name_escaped { my ($ctx, $clockname) = @_; return $ctx->{'dbh'}->quote_identifier(get_clock_table_name($clockname)); } sub create_clock_table { my ($ctx, $clockname) = @_; $clockname = get_clock_table_name_escaped($ctx, $clockname); my $sql = qq{ create table if not exists $clockname (ID int unsigned auto_increment not null primary key, EVENT_NAME char(64) not null, START_TIME int not null, LENGTH int not null, INDEX EVENT_NAME_IDX (EVENT_NAME)); }; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub fill_clock_table { my $ctx = shift; my $clockname = shift; my @events = @_; $clockname = get_clock_table_name_escaped($ctx, $clockname); my $sql = qq{insert into $clockname (ID, EVENT_NAME, START_TIME, LENGTH) values (?, ?, ?, ?);}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = 0; for my $event (@events) { $sth->execute($cnt + 1, $event->{'NAME'}, $event->{'START_TIME'}, $event->{'LENGTH'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); $cnt++; } return ($cnt+1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub drop_clock_table { my ($ctx, $clockname) = @_; $clockname = get_clock_table_name_escaped($ctx, $clockname); my $sql = qq{drop table $clockname;}; $ctx->{'dbh'}->do($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_clockrules_table_name { my ($clockname) = @_; $clockname=~s/ /_/g; return $clockname . '_RULES'; } sub get_clockrules_table_name_escaped { my ($ctx, $clockname) = @_; return $ctx->{'dbh'}->quote_identifier(get_clockrules_table_name($clockname)); } sub create_clockrules_table { my ($ctx, $clockname) = @_; $clockname = get_clockrules_table_name_escaped($ctx, $clockname); my $sql = qq{ create table if not exists $clockname (CODE varchar(10) not null primary key, MAX_ROW int unsigned, MIN_WAIT int unsigned, NOT_AFTER varchar(10), OR_AFTER varchar(10), OR_AFTER_II varchar(10)); }; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub drop_clockrules_table { my ($ctx, $clockname) = @_; $clockname = get_clockrules_table_name_escaped($ctx, $clockname); my $sql = qq{drop table $clockname;}; $ctx->{'dbh'}->do($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } ########################### TOKEN handling ########################### sub get_token { my ($ctx, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{select PASSWORD from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($token) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $token) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell") } return ($token, 'OK', 'success'); } sub set_token { my ($ctx, $username, $token) = @_; if(!defined $token || $token eq '') { return (undef, 'ERROR', "empty token is not allowed") } my $sql = qq{update USERS set PASSWORD = ? where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $rows = $ctx->{'dbh'}->do($sql, undef, $token, $username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); unless($rows == 1) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell") } return ($token, 'OK', 'success'); } sub check_token { my ($ctx, $username, $token) = @_; if(!defined $token || $token eq '') { return (undef, 'ERROR', "empty token is not allowed") } my $sql = qq{select PASSWORD from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($token_result) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $token_result) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell") } if($token_result eq $token) { return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } return (0, 'ERROR', "wrong password"); } ########################### USER handling ########################### sub add_user { my ($ctx, $username, $token, $fullname) = @_; if(!defined $token || $token eq '') { return (undef, 'ERROR', "empty token is not allowed") } if(!defined $fullname) { $fullname = ''; } my $sql = qq{insert into USERS (LOGIN_NAME, FULL_NAME, PHONE_NUMBER, DESCRIPTION, PASSWORD, ENABLE_WEB, ADMIN_USERS_PRIV, ADMIN_CONFIG_PRIV, CREATE_CARTS_PRIV, DELETE_CARTS_PRIV, MODIFY_CARTS_PRIV, EDIT_AUDIO_PRIV, ASSIGN_CART_PRIV, CREATE_LOG_PRIV, DELETE_LOG_PRIV, DELETE_REC_PRIV, PLAYOUT_LOG_PRIV, ARRANGE_LOG_PRIV, MODIFY_TEMPLATE_PRIV, ADDTO_LOG_PRIV, REMOVEFROM_LOG_PRIV, CONFIG_PANELS_PRIV, VOICETRACK_LOG_PRIV, EDIT_CATCHES_PRIV, ADD_PODCAST_PRIV, EDIT_PODCAST_PRIV, DELETE_PODCAST_PRIV) values ( ?, ?, "", "", ? , "N", "N", "N", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N");}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($username, $fullname, $token) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', "success"); } sub remove_user { my ($ctx, $username) = @_; my @actions = ({ # Delete RSS Feed Perms sql => qq{delete from FEED_PERMS where USER_NAME = ?;}, name => 'podcast feed assignments', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Member User Perms sql => qq{delete from USER_PERMS where USER_NAME = ?;}, name => 'group assignments', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete from User List sql => qq{delete from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}, name => 'user entries', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete from Cached Web Connections sql => qq{delete from WEB_CONNECTIONS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}, name => 'cached web connections', cnt => 0 }); for my $href (@actions) { my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($href->{sql}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); delete($href->{sql}); $href->{cnt} = $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); } return @actions; } sub check_user { my ($ctx, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{select count(*) from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($cnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if ($cnt != 0) { $sql = qq{select count(*) from STATIONS where DEFAULT_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); ($cnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if($cnt) { return (2, 'OK', "user '" . $username . "' is known by rivendell and is the default user of at least one station"); } else { return (1, 'OK', "user '" . $username . "' is known by rivendell and isn't the default user of any station"); } } return (0, 'OK', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell"); } sub get_fullname { my ($ctx, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{select FULL_NAME from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($fullname) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $fullname) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell") } return ($fullname, 'OK', 'success'); } sub list_users { my ($ctx) = @_; my $sql = qq{select LOGIN_NAME from USERS order by LOGIN_NAME;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @users; while(my ($user) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @users, $user; } $sth->finish(); return @users; } sub get_user_groups { my ($ctx, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{select GROUP_NAME from USER_PERMS where USER_NAME = ? order by GROUP_NAME;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @groups; while(my ($user) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @groups, $user; } $sth->finish(); return @groups; } ########################### GROUP handling ########################### sub add_group { my ($ctx, $groupname, $description) = @_; if(!defined $description) { $description = ''; } my $sql = qq{insert into GROUPS (NAME, DESCRIPTION) values (?, ?);}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($groupname, $description) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', "success"); } sub remove_group { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my @actions = ({ # Delete Member Cuts sql => qq{delete from CUTS where CART_NUMBER IN (select NUMBER from CART where GROUP_NAME = ?);}, name => 'member cuts', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Member Carts sql => qq{delete from CART where GROUP_NAME = ?;}, name => 'member carts', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Dropboxes sql => qq{delete from DROPBOXES where GROUP_NAME = ?;}, name => 'dropboxes', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Audio Perms sql => qq{delete from AUDIO_PERMS where GROUP_NAME = ?;}, name => 'service permissions', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Member User Perms sql => qq{delete from USER_PERMS where GROUP_NAME = ?;}, name => 'user assignments', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Replicator Map Records sql => qq{delete from REPLICATOR_MAP where GROUP_NAME = ?;}, name => 'replicator map records', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete from Group List sql => qq{delete from GROUPS where NAME = ?;}, name => 'group entries', cnt => 0 }); for my $href (@actions) { my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($href->{sql}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); delete($href->{sql}); $href->{cnt} = $sth->execute($groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); } return @actions; } sub check_group { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select count(*) from GROUPS where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($cnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if ($cnt != 0) { $sql = qq{select count(*) from CART where GROUP_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); ($cnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if($cnt) { return (2, 'OK', "group '" . $groupname . "' exists and has carts assigned to it"); } else { return (1, 'OK', "group '" . $groupname . "' exists but no cart is assigned to it"); } } return (0, 'OK', "group '" . $groupname . "' does not exist"); } sub get_group_cart_range { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select DEFAULT_LOW_CART, DEFAULT_HIGH_CART, DEFAULT_CART_TYPE, ENFORCE_CART_RANGE from GROUPS where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($low_cart, $high_cart, $cart_type, $enforce_cart_range) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $low_cart) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "group '" . $groupname . "' does not exist"); } return ($low_cart, $high_cart, $cart_type, $enforce_cart_range); } sub set_group_cart_range { my ($ctx, $groupname, $low_cart, $high_cart, $cart_type, $enforce_cart_range) = @_; if(!defined $low_cart) { $low_cart = 0; } if(!defined $high_cart) { $high_cart = 0; } if(!defined $cart_type) { $cart_type = 1; } if(!defined $enforce_cart_range) { $enforce_cart_range = 'N'; } my $sql = qq{update GROUPS set DEFAULT_LOW_CART = ?, DEFAULT_HIGH_CART = ?, DEFAULT_CART_TYPE = ? , ENFORCE_CART_RANGE = ? where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($low_cart, $high_cart, $cart_type, $enforce_cart_range, $groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', "Success"); } sub get_group_reports { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select ENABLE_NOW_NEXT, REPORT_TFC, REPORT_MUS from GROUPS where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($now_next, $traffic, $music) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $now_next) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "group '" . $groupname . "' does not exist"); } return ($now_next, $traffic, $music); } sub set_group_reports { my ($ctx, $groupname, $now_next, $traffic, $music) = @_; if(!defined $now_next) { $now_next = 'N'; } if(!defined $traffic) { $traffic = 'Y'; } if(!defined $music) { $music = 'Y'; } my $sql = qq{update GROUPS set ENABLE_NOW_NEXT = ?, REPORT_TFC = ?, REPORT_MUS = ? where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($now_next, $traffic, $music, $groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', "Success"); } sub get_group_members { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select USER_NAME from USER_PERMS where GROUP_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @users; while(my ($user) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @users, $user; } $sth->finish(); return @users; } sub is_group_member { my ($ctx, $groupname, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{select count(*) from USER_PERMS where GROUP_NAME = ? and USER_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname, $username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($cnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', "success"); } sub add_group_member { my ($ctx, $groupname, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{select count(*) from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($cnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); if($cnt < 1) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' does not exist"); } ($cnt, my $result, my $errostring) = is_group_member($ctx, $groupname, $username); if($cnt > 0) { return (0, 'OK', "already a member"); } $sql = qq{insert into USER_PERMS (GROUP_NAME, USER_NAME) values (?, ?);}; $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $cnt = $sth->execute($groupname, $username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', "success"); } sub remove_group_member { my ($ctx, $groupname, $username) = @_; my $sql = qq{delete from USER_PERMS where GROUP_NAME = ? and USER_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($groupname, $username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', "success"); } sub list_groups { my ($ctx, $type) = @_; my $min_cart = RD_MIN_CART; my $max_cart = RD_MAX_CART; if(defined $type) { ($min_cart, $max_cart) = get_shows_cart_range($ctx) if($type eq "shows"); ($min_cart, $max_cart) = get_jingles_cart_range($ctx) if($type eq "jingles"); ($min_cart, $max_cart) = get_musicpools_cart_range($ctx) if($type eq "pools"); } my $sql = qq{select NAME from GROUPS where DEFAULT_LOW_CART >= ? and DEFAULT_HIGH_CART <= ? order by DEFAULT_LOW_CART;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($min_cart, $max_cart) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @groups; while(my ($group) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { next if($group eq $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allshows'}); next if($group eq $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'alljingles'}); next if($group eq $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allpools'}); push @groups, $group; } $sth->finish(); return @groups; } ########################### Dropboxes handling ###################### sub get_dropboxes { my ($ctx, $username, $groupname, $type) = @_; my $sql; if(defined $username && !defined $groupname) { $sql = qq{select USER_PERMS.GROUP_NAME,DROPBOXES.TO_CART,DROPBOXES.NORMALIZATION_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.AUTOTRIM_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.SET_USER_DEFINED,DROPBOXES.PATH,GROUPS.DEFAULT_LOW_CART,GROUPS.DEFAULT_HIGH_CART,GROUPS.DESCRIPTION from USER_PERMS, DROPBOXES, GROUPS where USER_PERMS.USER_NAME = ? and DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME=USER_PERMS.GROUP_NAME and DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME=GROUPS.NAME and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME = ?;}; } elsif(defined $username && defined $groupname) { $sql = qq{select USER_PERMS.GROUP_NAME,DROPBOXES.TO_CART,DROPBOXES.NORMALIZATION_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.AUTOTRIM_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.SET_USER_DEFINED,DROPBOXES.PATH,GROUPS.DEFAULT_LOW_CART,GROUPS.DEFAULT_HIGH_CART,GROUPS.DESCRIPTION from USER_PERMS, DROPBOXES, GROUPS where USER_PERMS.USER_NAME = ? and DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME=USER_PERMS.GROUP_NAME and DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME=GROUPS.NAME and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME = ? and GROUPS.NAME = ?;}; } elsif(!defined $username && defined $groupname) { $sql = qq{select GROUPS.NAME,DROPBOXES.TO_CART,DROPBOXES.NORMALIZATION_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.AUTOTRIM_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.SET_USER_DEFINED,DROPBOXES.PATH,GROUPS.DEFAULT_LOW_CART,GROUPS.DEFAULT_HIGH_CART,GROUPS.DESCRIPTION from DROPBOXES, GROUPS where DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME=GROUPS.NAME and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME = ? and GROUPS.NAME = ?;}; } else { $sql = qq{select GROUPS.NAME,DROPBOXES.TO_CART,DROPBOXES.NORMALIZATION_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.AUTOTRIM_LEVEL,DROPBOXES.SET_USER_DEFINED,DROPBOXES.PATH,GROUPS.DEFAULT_LOW_CART,GROUPS.DEFAULT_HIGH_CART,GROUPS.DESCRIPTION from DROPBOXES, GROUPS where DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME=GROUPS.NAME and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME = ?;}; } my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); if(defined $username && !defined $groupname) { $sth->execute($username, $ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); } elsif(defined $username && defined $groupname) { $sth->execute($username, $ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}, $groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); } elsif(!defined $username && defined $groupname) { $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}, $groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); } else { $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); } my @allowed_dbs; while(my ($group, $to_cart, $normlevel, $trimlevel, $params, $path, $lowcart, $highcart, $groupdesc) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my @p = split(';', $params); if (defined $type) { if(!($type eq 'show' && $p[0] eq "S") && !($type eq 'jingle' && $p[0] eq "J") && !($type eq 'musicpool' && $p[0] eq "M")) { next } } my $entry = {}; $entry->{'GROUP'} = $group; $entry->{'GROUPDESC'} = $groupdesc; $entry->{'GROUPLOWCART'} = int $lowcart; $entry->{'GROUPHIGHCART'} = int $highcart; $entry->{'NORMLEVEL'} = int $normlevel; $entry->{'TRIMLEVEL'} = int $trimlevel; $entry->{'PARAM'} = $params; if(defined($p[0]) && $p[0] eq "S") { $entry->{'TYPE'} = 'show'; $entry->{'SHOWID'} = $to_cart; my ($title, $log, $status, $errorstring) = get_show_title_and_log($ctx, $to_cart); unless (defined $title && defined $log) { $sth->finish(); return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } $entry->{'SHOWTITLE'} = $title; $entry->{'SHOWLOG'} = $log; $entry->{'SHOWRHYTHM'} = $p[1]; $entry->{'SHOWRHYTHM'} = '????' unless((RHRD::utils::dropbox_param_rhythm_ok($entry->{'SHOWRHYTHM'}))[0]); $entry->{'SHOWDOW'} = $p[2]; $entry->{'SHOWDOW'} = 0 unless((RHRD::utils::dropbox_param_dow_ok($entry->{'SHOWDOW'}))[0]); $entry->{'SHOWSTARTTIME'} = $p[3]; $entry->{'SHOWSTARTTIME'} = '????' unless((RHRD::utils::dropbox_param_starttime_ok($entry->{'SHOWSTARTTIME'}))[0]); $entry->{'SHOWLEN'} = $p[4]; $entry->{'SHOWLEN'} = 0 unless((RHRD::utils::dropbox_param_len_ok($entry->{'SHOWLEN'}))[0]); } elsif(defined($p[0]) && $p[0] eq "J") { $entry->{'TYPE'} = 'jingle'; $entry->{'JINGLETITLE'} = $groupdesc; } elsif(defined($p[0]) && $p[0] eq "M") { $entry->{'TYPE'} = 'musicpool'; $entry->{'MUSICPOOLTITLE'} = $groupdesc; $entry->{'MUSICPOOLCLOCK'} = $path; } else { $entry->{'TYPE'} = 'unknown'; } push @allowed_dbs, $entry; } $sth->finish(); return @allowed_dbs; } ########################### Log handling ###################### sub list_logs { my ($ctx) = @_; my $sql = qq{select NAME from LOGS;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @logs; while(my ($log) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @logs, $log; } $sth->finish(); return @logs; } sub create_or_update_schedule_log { my $ctx = shift; my $year = shift; my $month = shift; my $day = shift; my @shows = @_; my $logname = sprintf("%04d_%02d_%02d", $year, $month, $day); my ($log_exists, $status, $errorstring) = check_log_exists($ctx, $logname); unless (defined $log_exists) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } if($log_exists) { my $sql = qq{delete from LOGS where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($logname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); (my $cnt, $status, $errorstring) = drop_log_table($ctx, $logname); unless (defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } } my $sql = qq{insert into LOGS (NAME, LOG_EXISTS, TYPE, DESCRIPTION, ORIGIN_USER, ORIGIN_DATETIME, LINK_DATETIME, SERVICE) values (?, 'N', 0, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), ?)}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($logname, $logname . " schedule", $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'defaultuser'}, $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'service'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); (my $result, $status, $errorstring) = create_log_table($ctx, $logname); unless (defined $result) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my @carts = (); for my $show (@shows) { push @carts, { NUMBER => $show->{'ID'}, START_TIME => $show->{'START_TIME'}*1000, TRANS_TYPE => 2, TIME_TYPE => 1 }; } (my $next_id, $status, $errorstring) = fill_log_table($ctx, $logname, @carts); unless (defined $next_id) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } $sql = qq{update LOGS set LOG_EXISTS='Y', AUTO_REFRESH='Y', NEXT_ID = ?, PURGE_DATE = ? where NAME = ?}; $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my @purge_date = Date::Calc::Add_Delta_Days($year, $month, $day, $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'schedule-lifetime'}); $sth->execute($next_id, sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $purge_date[0], $purge_date[1], $purge_date[2]), $logname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_schedule_log { my $ctx = shift; my $year = shift; my $month = shift; my $day = shift; my $logname = sprintf("%04d_%02d_%02d", $year, $month, $day); my ($log_exists, $status, $errorstring) = check_log_exists($ctx, $logname); unless (defined $log_exists) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } if(!$log_exists) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "Log does not exist"); } $logname = get_log_table_name_escaped($ctx, $logname); my $sql = qq{select START_TIME,CART_NUMBER from $logname order by COUNT}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @show_dbs; while(my ($start_time, $cart_number) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my $entry = {}; $entry->{'ID'} = $cart_number; my ($title, $len, $status, $errorstring) = get_show_title_and_len($ctx, $cart_number); unless (defined $title && defined $len) { $sth->finish(); return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } $start_time = $start_time / 1000; my $hour = int($start_time / 3600); my $min = int(($start_time % 3600) / 60); my $sec = int(($start_time % 60)); my $start = DateTime->new(year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, hour => $hour, minute => $min, second => $sec, time_zone => 'Europe/Vienna'); $entry->{'TITLE'} = $title; $entry->{'START'} = $start; $entry->{'LEN'} = $len; push @show_dbs, $entry; } $sth->finish(); return @show_dbs; } ########################### SHOW handling ########################### sub get_shows_cart_range { my ($ctx) = @_; return get_cart_range($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allshows'}) } sub get_shows_next_free_slot { my ($ctx) = @_; return get_next_free_slot($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allshows'}) } sub list_shows { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select GROUP_NAME,TO_CART,SET_USER_DEFINED from DROPBOXES where STATION_NAME = ? order by TO_CART;}; if(defined($groupname)) { $sql = qq{select GROUP_NAME,TO_CART,SET_USER_DEFINED from DROPBOXES where STATION_NAME = ? and GROUP_NAME = ? order by TO_CART;}; } my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); unless(defined($groupname)) { $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); } else { $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}, $groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); } my @show_dbs; while(my ($group, $to_cart, $params) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my @p = split(';', $params); next if ('S' ne $p[0]); my $entry = {}; $entry->{'ID'} = $to_cart; my ($title, $log, $status, $errorstring) = get_show_title_and_log($ctx, $to_cart); unless (defined $title && defined $log) { $sth->finish(); return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } $entry->{'GROUP'} = $group; $entry->{'TITLE'} = $title; $entry->{'LOG'} = $log; $entry->{'RHYTHM'} = $p[1]; $entry->{'DOW'} = int $p[2]; $entry->{'DOW'} = 0 unless $entry->{'DOW'} < 7; substr($p[3], 2, 0) = ':'; $entry->{'STARTTIME'} = $p[3]; $entry->{'LEN'} = int $p[4]; push @show_dbs, $entry; } $sth->finish(); return @show_dbs; } sub list_showids { my ($ctx) = @_; my $sql = qq{select NUMBER from CART where GROUP_NAME = ? order by NUMBER}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'shows'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @showids; while(my ($showid) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @showids, $showid; } $sth->finish(); return @showids; } sub check_show_exists { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my $sql = qq{select count(*) from CART where NUMBER = ?}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($showid) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($result) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); return ($result, 'OK', "successfully fetched show status"); } sub create_show_group { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = add_group($ctx, $groupname); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } (my $low_cart, my $high_cart, $errorstring) = get_shows_next_free_slot($ctx); if(!$low_cart) { return (undef, $high_cart, $errorstring); } ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = set_group_cart_range($ctx, $groupname, $low_cart, $high_cart, 1, 'Y'); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = RHRD::rddb::set_group_reports($ctx, $groupname, 'Y', 'N', 'N'); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my $sql = qq{insert into AUDIO_PERMS (GROUP_NAME, SERVICE_NAME) values (?, ?);}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname, $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'service'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); my @users = get_group_members($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allshows'}); if(!defined $users[0] && defined $users[1]) { return (undef, $users[1], $users[2]); } for my $user (@users) { ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = RHRD::rddb::add_group_member($ctx, $groupname, $user); return (undef, $status, $errorstring) unless(defined $cnt); } return ($low_cart, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_show_group { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my $sql = qq{select GROUP_NAME from DROPBOXES where TO_CART = ? and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($showid, $ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($groupname) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); unless(defined($groupname)) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "Show not found"); } return ($groupname, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_show_group_cart_range { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my $sql = qq{select GROUPS.DEFAULT_LOW_CART,GROUPS.DEFAULT_HIGH_CART from DROPBOXES, GROUPS where DROPBOXES.TO_CART = ? and DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME=GROUPS.NAME and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($showid, $ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}) or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($group_low_cart, $group_high_cart) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); unless(defined($group_low_cart) && defined($group_high_cart)) { return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Show not found"); } return ($group_low_cart, $group_high_cart, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_show_group_carts_used { my ($ctx, $groupname) = @_; my @dropboxes = RHRD::rddb::get_dropboxes($ctx, undef, $groupname, 'show'); if(!defined $dropboxes[0]) { if(defined $dropboxes[1]) { return (undef, $dropboxes[1], $dropboxes[2]); } return (); } my @carts = (); for my $db (@dropboxes) { my @show_carts = RHRD::rddb::get_show_carts($ctx, $db->{'SHOWID'}); if(!defined $show_carts[0] && defined $show_carts[1]) { return (undef, $show_carts[1], $show_carts[2]); } @carts = (@carts, @show_carts) if defined($show_carts[0]) } return sort(@carts); } sub get_next_free_show_group_carts { my ($ctx, $groupname, $num_carts) = @_; my ($low_cart, $high_cart, $type, undef) = get_group_cart_range($ctx, $groupname); unless(defined $low_cart) { return (undef, $high_cart, $type); } my @carts = get_show_group_carts_used($ctx, $groupname); if(!defined $carts[0] && defined $carts[1]) { return (undef, $carts[1], $carts[2]); } for my $cart (@carts) { last if(($low_cart + $num_carts - 1) < $cart); $low_cart = $cart + 1; } if(($low_cart + $num_carts -1) > $high_cart) { return (undef, 'ERROR', 'not enough free carts left in group'); } return ($low_cart, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_show_title_and_log { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my $sql = qq{select TITLE,MACROS from CART where NUMBER = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($showid) or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($title, $macros) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $title) { return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Show with ID=" . $showid . " not found!") } unless(defined $macros) { return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Show with ID=" . $showid . " has no macro!"); } unless($macros =~ /^LL 1 ([^ ]+) 0\!$/) { return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Show with ID=" . $showid . " has invalid macro: '" . $macros . "'"); } my $log = $1; return ($title, $log, 'OK', 'success'); } sub update_show_title { my ($ctx, $showid, $title) = @_; my $sql = qq{update CART set TITLE = ? where NUMBER = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($title, $showid) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_show_info { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my $sql = qq{select GROUP_NAME,SET_USER_DEFINED from DROPBOXES where STATION_NAME = ? and TO_CART = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}, $showid) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($group, $params) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); return (undef, 'ERROR', "show with id $showid does not exist") unless (defined $params); my @p = split(';', $params); return (undef, 'ERROR', "show with id $showid does not exist") unless ('S' eq $p[0]); my $entry = {}; $entry->{'ID'} = $showid; my ($title, $log, $status, $errorstring) = get_show_title_and_log($ctx, $showid); return (undef, $status, $errorstring) unless (defined $title && defined $log); $entry->{'GROUP'} = $group; $entry->{'TITLE'} = $title; $entry->{'LOG'} = $log; $entry->{'RHYTHM'} = $p[1]; $entry->{'DOW'} = int $p[2]; $entry->{'DOW'} = 0 unless $entry->{'DOW'} < 7; substr($p[3], 2, 0) = ':'; $entry->{'STARTTIME'} = $p[3]; $entry->{'LEN'} = int $p[4]; return ($entry, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_show_carts { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my ($group_low_cart, $group_high_cart, $status, $errorstring) = get_show_group_cart_range($ctx, $showid); unless (defined $group_low_cart && defined $group_high_cart) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } (undef, my $log, $status, $errorstring) = get_show_title_and_log($ctx, $showid); unless (defined $log) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } (my $log_exists, $status, $errorstring) = check_log_exists($ctx, $log); unless (defined $log_exists) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } unless($log_exists) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "Log with name '$log' does not exist") } $log = get_log_table_name_escaped($ctx, $log); my $sql = qq{select COUNT,CART_NUMBER from $log order by COUNT;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @carts; while(my ($count, $cart) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { if($cart >= $group_low_cart && $cart <= $group_high_cart) { push @carts, $cart; } } $sth->finish(); return @carts; } sub get_show_title_and_len { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my ($group_low_cart, $group_high_cart, $status, $errorstring) = get_show_group_cart_range($ctx, $showid); unless (defined $group_low_cart && defined $group_high_cart) { return (undef, undef, $status, $errorstring); } (my $title, my $log, $status, $errorstring) = get_show_title_and_log($ctx, $showid); unless (defined $title && defined $log) { return (undef, undef, $status, $errorstring); } (my $log_exists, $status, $errorstring) = check_log_exists($ctx, $log); unless (defined $log_exists) { return (undef, undef, $status, $errorstring); } unless($log_exists) { return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Log with name '$log' does not exist") } $log = get_log_table_name_escaped($ctx, $log); my $sql = qq{select COUNT,CART_NUMBER from $log order by COUNT;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @carts; while(my ($count, $cart) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { if($cart >= $group_low_cart && $cart <= $group_high_cart) { push @carts, $cart; } } $sth->finish(); $sql = qq{select SUM(AVERAGE_LENGTH) from CART where NUMBER in (} . join(',', @carts) . ")"; $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute() or return (undef, undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($len) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); $len = 0 unless (defined $len); return ($title, $len, 'OK', 'success'); } sub create_show_log { my ($ctx, $logname, $low_cart, $high_cart) = @_; my ($log_exists, $status, $errorstring) = check_log_exists($ctx, $logname); unless (defined $log_exists) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } if($log_exists) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "Log with name '" . $logname . "' already exists") } my $sql = qq{insert into LOGS (NAME, LOG_EXISTS, TYPE, DESCRIPTION, ORIGIN_USER, ORIGIN_DATETIME, LINK_DATETIME, SERVICE) values (?, 'N', 0, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), ?)}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($logname, $logname . " log", $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'defaultuser'}, $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'service'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); (my $result, $status, $errorstring) = create_log_table($ctx, $logname); unless (defined $result) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my @carts = (); for my $cart (@{$ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'logprefix'}}) { push @carts, { NUMBER => $cart, START_TIME => 0, TRANS_TYPE => 1, TIME_TYPE => 0 }; } for my $cart ($low_cart .. $high_cart) { push @carts, { NUMBER => $cart, START_TIME => 0, TRANS_TYPE => 0, TIME_TYPE => 0 }; } for my $cart (@{$ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'logsuffix'}}) { push @carts, { NUMBER => $cart, START_TIME => 0, TRANS_TYPE => 0, TIME_TYPE => 0 }; } (my $next_id, $status, $errorstring) = fill_log_table($ctx, $logname, @carts); unless (defined $next_id) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } $sql = qq{update LOGS set LOG_EXISTS='Y', AUTO_REFRESH='Y', NEXT_ID = ? where NAME = ?}; $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($next_id, $logname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_next_free_showid { my ($ctx) = @_; my ($low, $high, $type, undef) = RHRD::rddb::get_group_cart_range($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'shows'}); unless(defined $low) { return (undef, $high, $type); } my $sql = qq{select NUMBER from CART where GROUP_NAME = ? order by NUMBER}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'shows'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my $showid = $low; while(my ($cart) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { last if($showid < $cart); $showid += 1; } $sth->finish(); return ($showid, 'OK', 'success'); } sub create_show_macro_cart { my ($ctx, $logname, $title) = @_; my $macro = 'LL 1 ' . $logname . ' 0!'; my ($number, $status, $errorstring) = get_next_free_showid($ctx); unless (defined $number) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my $sql = qq{insert into CART (NUMBER, TYPE, GROUP_NAME, TITLE, MACROS, VALIDITY, METADATA_DATETIME) values (?, 2, ?, ?, ?, 3, NOW())}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($number, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'shows'}, $title, $macro) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($number, 'OK', 'success'); } sub create_show_dropbox { my ($ctx, $groupname, $showid, $rhythm, $dow, $starttime, $len) = @_; my $param = join(';', ('S', $rhythm, $dow, $starttime, $len)); my $sql = qq{insert into DROPBOXES (STATION_NAME, GROUP_NAME, NORMALIZATION_LEVEL, AUTOTRIM_LEVEL, TO_CART, FIX_BROKEN_FORMATS, SET_USER_DEFINED) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 'Y', ?)}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}, $groupname, $ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'norm-level'}, $ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'trim-level'}, $showid, $param) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', 'success'); } sub update_show_dropbox { my ($ctx, $showid, $rhythm, $dow, $starttime, $len) = @_; my $param = join(';', ('S', $rhythm, $dow, $starttime, $len)); my $sql = qq{update DROPBOXES set SET_USER_DEFINED = ? where TO_CART = ?}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($param, $showid) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', 'success'); } sub remove_show { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my ($title, $logname, $status, $errorstring) = get_show_title_and_log($ctx, $showid); unless (defined $title && defined $logname) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my @show_carts = get_show_carts($ctx, $showid); if(!defined $show_carts[0] && defined $show_carts[1]) { return (undef, $show_carts[1], $show_carts[2]); } my @actions = ({ # Delete Dropbox sql => qq{delete from DROPBOXES where TO_CART = ?;}, param => $showid, name => 'dropboxes', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Macro Carts sql => qq{delete from CART where NUMBER = ?;}, param => $showid, name => 'macro carts', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Log Entry sql => qq{delete from LOGS where NAME = ?;}, param => $logname, name => 'log entries', cnt => 0 }); for my $href (@actions) { my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($href->{sql}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); delete($href->{sql}); $href->{cnt} = $sth->execute($href->{param}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); } if(!defined $show_carts[0]) { push @actions, { name => 'audio carts', cnt => 0 }; } else { my $sth_cut = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare(qq{delete from CUTS where CART_NUMBER = ?;}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $sth_cart = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare(qq{delete from CART where NUMBER = ?;}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = 0; for my $cart (@show_carts) { $sth_cut->execute($cart) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth_cut->errstr); $sth_cut->finish(); $cnt += ($sth_cart->execute($cart) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth_cart->errstr)); $sth_cart->finish(); } push @actions, { name => 'audio carts', cnt => $cnt }; } (my $cnt, $status, $errorstring) = drop_log_table($ctx, $logname); unless (defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } push @actions, { name => 'log tables', cnt => $cnt }; return @actions; } sub list_multi_shows { my ($ctx) = @_; my $sql = qq{select NUMBER,TITLE,USER_DEFINED from CART where GROUP_NAME = ? order by NUMBER}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'multishows'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @mshows; while(my ($id, $title, $shows) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my $entry = {}; $entry->{'ID'} = $id; $entry->{'TITLE'} = $title; $entry->{'SHOWS'} = {}; my @showlist = split(';', $shows); foreach my $show (@showlist) { my ($week, $showid) = split(':', $show, 2); next unless(defined($week) && defined($showid)); $entry->{'SHOWS'}{int($week)} = int($showid); } push @mshows, $entry; } $sth->finish(); return @mshows; } sub get_next_free_multi_showid { my ($ctx) = @_; my ($low, $high, $type, undef) = RHRD::rddb::get_group_cart_range($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'multishows'}); unless(defined $low) { return (undef, $high, $type); } my $sql = qq{select NUMBER from CART where GROUP_NAME = ? order by NUMBER}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'multishows'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my $showid = $low; while(my ($cart) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { last if($showid < $cart); $showid += 1; } $sth->finish(); return ($showid, 'OK', 'success'); } sub create_multi_show { my $ctx = shift; my $title = shift; my %shows = %{shift()}; my $showstr = join(";", map { "$_:$shows{$_}" } sort keys %shows); my ($number, $status, $errorstring) = get_next_free_multi_showid($ctx); unless (defined $number) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my $sql = qq{insert into CART (NUMBER, TYPE, GROUP_NAME, TITLE, USER_DEFINED, VALIDITY, METADATA_DATETIME) values (?, 2, ?, ?, ?, 3, NOW())}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($number, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'multishows'}, $title, $showstr) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($number, 'OK', 'success'); } sub update_multi_show { my $ctx = shift; my $showid = shift; my $title = shift; my %shows = %{shift()}; my $showstr = join(";", map { "$_:$shows{$_}" } sort keys %shows); my $sql = qq{update CART set TITLE = ?, USER_DEFINED = ? where NUMBER = ?}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($title, $showstr, $showid) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); unless($cnt == 1) { return (undef, 'ERROR', 'multi-show does not exist'); } return ($cnt, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_multi_show_info { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my $sql = qq{select TITLE,USER_DEFINED from CART where NUMBER = ?}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($showid) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); unless($cnt == 1) { return (undef, 'ERROR', 'multi-show does not exist'); } my ($title, $shows) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); my $entry = {}; $entry->{'ID'} = $showid; $entry->{'TITLE'} = $title; $entry->{'SHOWS'} = {}; my @showlist = split(';', $shows); foreach my $show (@showlist) { my ($week, $showid) = split(':', $show, 2); next unless(defined($week) && defined($showid)); $entry->{'SHOWS'}{int($week)} = int($showid); } return ($entry, 'OK', 'success'); } sub remove_multi_show { my ($ctx, $showid) = @_; my $sql = qq{delete from CART where NUMBER = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($showid) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', 'success'); } ########################### MUSICPOOL handling ########################### sub get_musicpools_cart_range { my ($ctx) = @_; return get_cart_range($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allpools'}); } sub get_musicpools_next_free_slot { my ($ctx) = @_; return get_next_free_slot($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allpools'}); } sub get_musicpool_num_from_cart { my ($ctx, $cart) = @_; my ($group_low_cart, $group_high_cart, $group_chunksize) = get_musicpools_cart_range($ctx); unless (defined $group_low_cart) { return ($group_low_cart, $group_high_cart, $group_chunksize); } if ($cart < $group_low_cart || $cart > $group_high_cart) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "cart '$cart' is outside of musicpool range"); } my $num = int(($cart - $group_low_cart) / $group_chunksize); return ($num, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_musicpool_group { my ($ctx, $shortname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select GROUP_NAME from DROPBOXES where PATH = ? and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($shortname, $ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($groupname) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); unless(defined($groupname)) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "Pool not found"); } return ($groupname, 'OK', 'success'); } sub list_musicpools { my ($ctx) = @_; my $sql = qq{select DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME,DROPBOXES.PATH,GROUPS.DESCRIPTION,DROPBOXES.SET_USER_DEFINED from DROPBOXES,GROUPS where DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME = GROUPS.NAME and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME = ? order by DROPBOXES.PATH;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @pool_dbs; while(my ($group, $shortname, $title, $params) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my @p = split(';', $params); next if ('M' ne $p[0]); my $entry = {}; $entry->{'SHORTNAME'} = $shortname; $entry->{'GROUP'} = $group; $entry->{'TITLE'} = $title; push @pool_dbs, $entry; } $sth->finish(); return @pool_dbs; } sub get_musicpool_info { my ($ctx, $shortname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME,GROUPS.DESCRIPTION,GROUPS.DEFAULT_LOW_CART,GROUPS.DEFAULT_HIGH_CART,DROPBOXES.SET_USER_DEFINED from DROPBOXES,GROUPS where DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME = GROUPS.NAME and DROPBOXES.STATION_NAME = ? and DROPBOXES.PATH = ? order by DROPBOXES.PATH;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}, $shortname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($group, $title, $low_cart, $high_cart, $params) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); return (undef, 'ERROR', "pool '$shortname' does not exist") unless (defined $params); my @p = split(';', $params); return (undef, 'ERROR', "pool '$shortname' does not exist") unless ('M' eq $p[0]); my $entry = {}; $entry->{'SHORTNAME'} = $shortname; $entry->{'GROUP'} = $group; $entry->{'TITLE'} = $title; $entry->{'LOW_CART'} = $low_cart; $entry->{'HIGH_CART'} = $high_cart; return ($entry, 'OK', 'success'); } sub create_musicpool_group { my ($ctx, $groupname, $title) = @_; my ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = add_group($ctx, $groupname, $title); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } (my $low_cart, my $high_cart, $errorstring) = get_musicpools_next_free_slot($ctx); if(!$low_cart) { return (undef, $high_cart, $errorstring); } (my $num, $status, $errorstring) = get_musicpool_num_from_cart($ctx, $low_cart); unless(defined $num) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = set_group_cart_range($ctx, $groupname, $low_cart, $high_cart, 1, 'Y'); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = RHRD::rddb::set_group_reports($ctx, $groupname, 'Y', 'N', 'Y'); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my $sql = qq{insert into AUDIO_PERMS (GROUP_NAME, SERVICE_NAME) values (?, ?);}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname, $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'service'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); my @users = get_group_members($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'allpools'}); if(!defined $users[0] && defined $users[1]) { return (undef, $users[1], $users[2]); } for my $user (@users) { ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = RHRD::rddb::add_group_member($ctx, $groupname, $user); return (undef, $status, $errorstring) unless(defined $cnt); } return ($num, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_musicpool_carts_used { my ($ctx, $shortname) = @_; my ($groupname, $status, $errorstring) = get_musicpool_group($ctx, $shortname); unless (defined $groupname) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my $sql = qq{select NUMBER from CART where GROUP_NAME = ? order by NUMBER}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @carts; while(my ($cart) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { push @carts, $cart; } $sth->finish(); return @carts; } sub create_musicpool_event { my ($ctx, $shortname, $groupname, $color) = @_; my $sql = qq{insert into EVENTS (NAME, PROPERTIES, IMPORT_SOURCE, FIRST_TRANS_TYPE, DEFAULT_TRANS_TYPE, COLOR, SCHED_GROUP, TITLE_SEP) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($shortname, 'SEGUE, Scheduler', 3, 1, 1, $color, $groupname, 25) # TODO: make title seperartion configurable !?!? or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); $sql = qq{insert into EVENT_PERMS (EVENT_NAME, SERVICE_NAME) values (?, ?);}; $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($shortname, $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'service'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); my ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = create_logevent_table($ctx, $shortname, 1); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = create_logevent_table($ctx, $shortname, 0); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub create_musicpool_clock { my ($ctx, $shortname, $color) = @_; my $sql = qq{insert into CLOCKS (NAME, SHORT_NAME, ARTISTSEP, COLOR, REMARKS) values (?, ?, ?, ?, '');}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($shortname, $shortname, 15, $color) # TODO: make artist seperation configurable !?!? or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); $sql = qq{insert into CLOCK_PERMS (CLOCK_NAME, SERVICE_NAME) values (?, ?);}; $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($shortname, $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'service'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); my ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = create_clock_table($ctx, $shortname); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my @events = (); my $t = 0; for(my $i=0; $i < 24; $i++) { push @events, { NAME => $shortname, START_TIME => $t, LENGTH => 142500 }; $t += 142500; if($i > 0 && ($i % 8) == 0) { # TODO: push jingle event $t += 60000; } } (my $next_id, $status, $errorstring) = fill_clock_table($ctx, $shortname, @events); unless (defined $next_id) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } ($cnt, $status, $errorstring) = create_clockrules_table($ctx, $shortname); unless(defined $cnt) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_musicpool_clock_usage { my ($ctx, $shortname) = @_; my $sql = 'select HOUR from SVC_CLOCKS where CLOCK_NAME = ? order by HOUR;'; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($shortname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @slots; while(my ($idx) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my $dow = int($idx / 24) + 1; $dow = 0 if $dow > 6; my $hour = $idx % 24; my $slot = {}; $slot->{'DOW'} = $dow; $slot->{'HOUR'} = $hour; push @slots, $slot; } $sth->finish(); return @slots; } sub create_musicpool_dropbox { my ($ctx, $groupname, $shortname) = @_; my $param = 'M;'; my $sql = qq{insert into DROPBOXES (STATION_NAME, GROUP_NAME, NORMALIZATION_LEVEL, AUTOTRIM_LEVEL, PATH, FIX_BROKEN_FORMATS, SET_USER_DEFINED) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 'Y', ?)}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'dropbox-pseudo-station'}, $groupname, $ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'norm-level'}, $ctx->{'config'}{'dropboxes'}{'trim-level'}, $shortname, $param) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', 'success'); } sub update_musicpool_title { my ($ctx, $shortname, $title) = @_; my ($groupname, $status, $errorstring) = get_musicpool_group($ctx, $shortname); unless (defined $groupname) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my $sql = qq{update GROUPS set DESCRIPTION = ? where NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($title, $groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); return ($cnt, 'OK', 'success'); } sub clear_musicpool { my ($ctx, $shortname) = @_; my ($groupname, $status, $errorstring) = get_musicpool_group($ctx, $shortname); unless (defined $groupname) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my @actions = ({ # Delete Member Cuts sql => qq{delete from CUTS where CART_NUMBER IN (select NUMBER from CART where GROUP_NAME = ?);}, name => 'member cuts', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Member Carts sql => qq{delete from CART where GROUP_NAME = ?;}, name => 'member carts', cnt => 0 }); for my $href (@actions) { my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($href->{sql}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); delete($href->{sql}); $href->{cnt} = $sth->execute($groupname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); } return @actions; } sub remove_musicpool { my ($ctx, $shortname) = @_; my ($groupname, $status, $errorstring) = get_musicpool_group($ctx, $shortname); unless (defined $groupname) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } my @actions = ({ # Delete Clock Permissions sql => qq{update SVC_CLOCKS set CLOCK_NAME = NULL where CLOCK_NAME = ?;}, param => $shortname, name => 'grid entries', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Clock Permissions sql => qq{delete from CLOCK_PERMS where CLOCK_NAME = ?;}, param => $shortname, name => 'clock permissions', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Event sql => qq{delete from CLOCKS where NAME = ?;}, param => $shortname, name => 'clocks', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Event Permissions sql => qq{delete from EVENT_PERMS where EVENT_NAME = ?;}, param => $shortname, name => 'event permissions', cnt => 0 }, { # Delete Event sql => qq{delete from EVENTS where NAME = ?;}, param => $shortname, name => 'events', cnt => 0 }); for my $href (@actions) { my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($href->{sql}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); delete($href->{sql}); $href->{cnt} = $sth->execute($href->{param}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); $sth->finish(); } (my $cnt_pre, $status, $errorstring) = drop_logevent_table($ctx, $shortname, 1); unless (defined $cnt_pre) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } (my $cnt_post, $status, $errorstring) = drop_logevent_table($ctx, $shortname, 0); unless (defined $cnt_post) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } push @actions, { name => 'log-event tables', cnt => ($cnt_pre + $cnt_post) }; (my $cnt_clk, $status, $errorstring) = drop_clock_table($ctx, $shortname); unless (defined $cnt_clk) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } (my $cnt_rules, $status, $errorstring) = drop_clockrules_table($ctx, $shortname); unless (defined $cnt_rules) { return (undef, $status, $errorstring); } push @actions, { name => 'clock tables', cnt => ($cnt_clk + $cnt_rules) }; my @group_results = remove_group($ctx, $groupname); if(!defined $group_results[0] && defined $group_results[2]) { return (undef, $group_results[1], $group_results[2]); } push @actions, @group_results; return @actions; } sub is_musicgrid_user { my ($ctx, $username) = @_; return 0 if $username eq ''; my $sql = qq{select MODIFY_TEMPLATE_PRIV from USERS where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($priv) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); unless(defined $priv) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell") } if($priv eq "Y") { return 1; } return 0; } sub set_musicgrid_user { my ($ctx, $username, $value) = @_; if(defined($value) && $value) { $value = "Y"; } else { $value = "N"; } my $sql = qq{update USERS set MODIFY_TEMPLATE_PRIV = ? where LOGIN_NAME = ?;}; my $rows = $ctx->{'dbh'}->do($sql, undef, $value, $username) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); if($rows < 1) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "user '" . $username . "' not known by rivendell") } return ($rows, 'OK', 'success'); } sub get_musicgrid_clocks { my ($ctx) = @_; my $sql = 'select SVC_CLOCKS.HOUR,CLOCKS.SHORT_NAME,CLOCKS.COLOR,GROUPS.DESCRIPTION from DROPBOXES,GROUPS,CLOCKS,SVC_CLOCKS where SVC_CLOCKS.SERVICE_NAME = ? and SVC_CLOCKS.CLOCK_NAME = CLOCKS.NAME and CLOCKS.SHORT_NAME = DROPBOXES.PATH and DROPBOXES.GROUP_NAME = GROUPS.NAME order by SVC_CLOCKS.HOUR;'; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'service'}) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my @clocks; while(my ($idx, $shortname, $color, $title) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { my $dow = int($idx / 24) + 1; $dow = 0 if $dow > 6; my $hour = $idx % 24; my $clock = {}; $clock->{'DOW'} = $dow; $clock->{'HOUR'} = $hour; $clock->{'SHORTNAME'} = $shortname; $clock->{'COLOR'} = $color; $clock->{'TITLE'} = $title; push @clocks, $clock; } $sth->finish(); return @clocks; } sub set_musicgrid_clock { my ($ctx, $dow, $hour, $shortname) = @_; my $sql = qq{select NAME from CLOCKS where SHORT_NAME = ?;}; my $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); $sth->execute($shortname) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); my ($name) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish(); if(!defined $name) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "clock '" . $shortname . "' does not exist"); } my $day = $dow - 1; $day = 6 if $dow == 0; my $idx = (($day*24) + $hour); $sql = 'update SVC_CLOCKS set CLOCK_NAME = ? where SERVICE_NAME = ? and HOUR = ?'; $sth = $ctx->{'dbh'}->prepare($sql) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $ctx->{'dbh'}->errstr); my $cnt = $sth->execute($name, $ctx->{'config'}{'shows'}{'service'}, $idx) or return (undef, 'ERROR', "Database Error: " . $sth->errstr); unless($cnt == 1) { return (undef, 'ERROR', "updateting clock failed") } return (1, 'OK', 'success'); } ########################### JINGLES handling ########################### sub get_jingles_cart_range { my ($ctx) = @_; return get_cart_range($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'alljingles'}); } sub get_jingles_next_free_slot { my ($ctx) = @_; return get_next_free_slot($ctx, $ctx->{'config'}{'specialgroups'}{'alljingles'}); } ################################# END #################################### return 1;