// // rhimportd // // The Radio Helsinki Rivendell Import Daemon // // // Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Christian Pointner // // This file is part of rhimportd. // // rhimportd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // any later version. // // rhimportd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with rhimportd. If not, see . // package rhimport import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "path" "strings" "code.helsinki.at/rhrd-go/rddb" "github.com/andelf/go-curl" ) const ( CART_MAX = 999999 CUT_MAX = 999 // not sure if rdxport.cgi can handle filesizes > MAX(INT32) FILESIZE_MAX = (2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) - 1 // TODO: make this configurable ARCHIV_HOST = "archiv.helsinki.at" ARCHIV_USER = "rhimport" ARCHIV_BASE_PATH = "/srv/archiv" CBA_API_KEY_FILE = "/etc/cba-api.key" ) var ( bool2str = map[bool]string{false: "0", true: "1"} rhl = log.New(os.Stderr, "[rhimport]\t", log.LstdFlags) rhdl = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "[rhimport-dbg]\t", log.LstdFlags) ) func init() { if _, exists := os.LookupEnv("RHIMPORT_DEBUG"); exists { rhdl.SetOutput(os.Stderr) } curl.GlobalInit(curl.GLOBAL_ALL) fetcherInit() } type ProgressCB func(step int, stepName string, current, total float64, title string, cart, cut uint, userdata interface{}) bool type DoneCB func(result Result, userdata interface{}) bool type Result struct { ResponseCode int ErrorString string Cart uint Cut uint SourceFile string } type FilePolicy int const ( Auto FilePolicy = iota Keep Delete DeleteWithDir ) func (p *FilePolicy) String() string { switch *p { case Auto: return "auto" case Keep: return "keep" case Delete: return "delete" case DeleteWithDir: return "delete-with-dir" } return "unknown" } func (p *FilePolicy) FromString(str string) error { switch str { case "auto": *p = Auto case "keep": *p = Keep case "delete": *p = Delete case "delete-with-dir": *p = DeleteWithDir default: return fmt.Errorf("must be on of: auto, keep, delete or delete-with-dir") } return nil } func getCBAApiKey() string { key_file, err := os.Open(CBA_API_KEY_FILE) if err == nil { defer key_file.Close() data, _ := bufio.NewReader(key_file).ReadString('\n') return strings.TrimSpace(string(data)) } return "" } type AttachmentChunk struct { Data []byte Error error } type Context struct { conf *Config db *rddb.DBChan UserName string Password string Trusted bool ShowId uint ClearShowCarts bool ShowCarts []uint GroupName string Cart uint ClearCart bool Cut uint Channels uint NormalizationLevel int AutotrimLevel int UseMetaData bool SourceUri string AttachmentChan chan AttachmentChunk FetchConverter string OrigFilename string Title string SourceFile string DeleteSourceFile bool DeleteSourceDir bool SourceFilePolicy FilePolicy LoudnessCorr float64 ProgressCallBack ProgressCB ProgressCallBackData interface{} Cancel <-chan bool } func NewContext(conf *Config, db *rddb.DBChan) *Context { ctx := new(Context) ctx.conf = conf ctx.db = db ctx.UserName = "" ctx.Password = "" ctx.Trusted = false ctx.ShowId = 0 ctx.ClearShowCarts = false ctx.GroupName = "" ctx.Cart = 0 ctx.ClearCart = false ctx.Cut = 0 ctx.Channels = conf.ImportParamDefaults.Channels ctx.NormalizationLevel = conf.ImportParamDefaults.NormalizationLevel ctx.AutotrimLevel = conf.ImportParamDefaults.AutotrimLevel ctx.UseMetaData = conf.ImportParamDefaults.UseMetaData ctx.AttachmentChan = make(chan AttachmentChunk, 32) ctx.FetchConverter = "ffmpeg-bs1770" ctx.OrigFilename = "" ctx.Title = "" ctx.SourceFile = "" ctx.DeleteSourceFile = false ctx.DeleteSourceDir = false ctx.LoudnessCorr = 0.0 ctx.SourceFilePolicy = Auto ctx.ProgressCallBack = nil ctx.Cancel = nil return ctx } func (ctx *Context) SanityCheck() error { if ctx.UserName == "" { return fmt.Errorf("empty Username is not allowed") } if ctx.Password == "" && !ctx.Trusted { return fmt.Errorf("empty Password on untrusted control interface is not allowed") } if ctx.ShowId != 0 { if ctx.ShowId != 0 && ctx.ShowId > CART_MAX { return fmt.Errorf("ShowId %d is outside of allowed range (0 < show-id < %d)", ctx.ShowId, CART_MAX) } if err := ctx.getShowInfo(); err != nil { return err } if ctx.Cart == 0 { return nil } if ctx.Cart > CART_MAX { return fmt.Errorf("Cart %d is outside of allowed range (0 < cart < %d)", ctx.Cart, CART_MAX) } for _, cart := range ctx.ShowCarts { if cart == ctx.Cart { return nil } } return fmt.Errorf("Cart %d is not part of the show with show-id %d", ctx.Cart, ctx.ShowId) } if ctx.GroupName != "" { ismusic, err := ctx.checkMusicGroup() if err != nil { return err } if !ismusic { return fmt.Errorf("supplied GroupName '%s' is not a music pool", ctx.GroupName) } if ctx.Cart != 0 || ctx.Cut != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Cart and Cut must not be supplied when importing into a music group") } return ctx.getMusicInfo() } if ctx.Cart == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("either ShowId, PoolName or CartNumber must be supplied") } if ctx.Cart > CART_MAX { return fmt.Errorf("Cart %d is outside of allowed range (0 < cart < %d)", ctx.Cart, CART_MAX) } if ctx.Cut != 0 && ctx.Cut > CUT_MAX { return fmt.Errorf("Cut %d is outside of allowed range (0 < cart < %d)", ctx.Cut, CUT_MAX) } if ctx.Channels != 1 && ctx.Channels != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("channles must be 1 or 2") } return nil } func (ctx *Context) getPassword(cached bool) (err error) { ctx.Password, err = ctx.db.GetPassword(ctx.UserName, cached) return } func (ctx *Context) CheckPassword() (bool, error) { return ctx.db.CheckPassword(ctx.UserName, ctx.Password) } func (ctx *Context) getGroupOfCart() (err error) { ctx.GroupName, err = ctx.db.GetGroupOfCart(ctx.Cart) return } func (ctx *Context) getShowInfo() (err error) { ctx.GroupName, ctx.NormalizationLevel, ctx.AutotrimLevel, ctx.ShowCarts, err = ctx.db.GetShowInfo(ctx.ShowId) ctx.Channels = 2 ctx.UseMetaData = true return } func (ctx *Context) checkMusicGroup() (bool, error) { return ctx.db.CheckMusicGroup(ctx.GroupName) } func (ctx *Context) getMusicInfo() (err error) { ctx.NormalizationLevel, ctx.AutotrimLevel, err = ctx.db.GetMusicInfo(ctx.GroupName) ctx.Channels = 2 ctx.UseMetaData = true ctx.Cart = 0 ctx.Cut = 0 return } func (ctx *Context) updateCutCartTitle() (err error) { filename := ctx.OrigFilename if filename == "" { filename = ctx.SourceFile } return ctx.db.UpdateCutCartTitle(ctx.Cart, ctx.Cut, ctx.GroupName, filename) } func (ctx *Context) reportProgress(step int, stepName string, current, total float64) { if ctx.ProgressCallBack != nil { title := ctx.Title if title == "" { title = path.Base(ctx.OrigFilename) if title == "" { title = path.Base(ctx.SourceFile) } } if keep := ctx.ProgressCallBack(step, stepName, current, total, title, ctx.Cart, ctx.Cut, ctx.ProgressCallBackData); !keep { ctx.ProgressCallBack = nil } } } func (ctx *Context) isCanceled() bool { return ctx.Cancel != nil && len(ctx.Cancel) > 0 }