OUTGOING (commands sent by the controller): =========================================== There are 3 possible sources for messages sent by the controller - Keypad .. a key/button has been pressed or released (note offset 0x00) - GPIO .. a GPI has changed its state (note offset 0x20) - Analog .. the analog value of an input has changed (note offset 0x40) Keypad: ------- - the 16 buttons are numbered 0-15 (note 0x00-0x0F) - a key press event sends the following command: 0x90 0x7F - a key release event sends the following command: 0x80 0x00 Example: Key 14 is pressed and released: 0x90 0x0D 0x7F 0x80 0x0D 0x00 GPIO: ----- - the 4 inputs are numbered 0-3 (note 0x20-0x23) - a low to high transition sends the following command: 0x90 0x7F - a high to low transition sends the following command: 0x80 0x00 Example: input 1 goes from low to high and back to low: 0x90 0x20 0x7F 0x80 0x20 0x00 Analog: ------- - the 8 analog inputs are numbered 0-7 (note 0x40-0x47) - by default all inputs are disabled. See below to find out how to enable/disable analog inputs - on every change of the value of the analog port the following command is sent: 0xB0 (value is between 0x00 and 0x7F -> 0..127) Example: input 7 changes its value to 42: 0xB0 0x46 0x2A INCOMING (commands understood by the controller): ================================================= There are 3 possible sinks for messages sent to the controller - Keypad .. controls the led of a key/button (note offset 0x00) - GPIO .. sets or unsets a GPO (note offset 0x20) - Analog .. enables or disables an analog input (note offset 0x40) Keypad: ------- - the 16 leds are numbered 0-15 (note 0x00-0x0F) - all leds can be changed by the special address 0x1F - switch a led on: 0x90 0x00 - toggle a led: 0x90 0x01 - led blinking: 0x90 0x02..0x7F the value controls the blinking speed. Smaller values correspond to higher blinking frequencies. - switch a led off 0x80 0x00 Examples: Turn led 3 on: 0x90 0x03 0x7F Toggle led 5: 0x90 0x05 0x01 led 6 blinking fast: 0x90 0x06 0x03 led 14 blinking slow: 0x90 0x0D 0x40 turn all leds off: 0x80 0x1F 0x00 GPIO: ----- - the 4 outputs are numbered 0-3 (note 0x20-0x23) - all outputs can be controlled by the special address 0x3F - for a low to high transition send the following command: (this does nothing if the port is already high) 0x90 0x00 - for a high to low transition send the following command: (this does nothing if the port is already low) 0x80 0x00 - for a state change send the following command: 0x90 0x01 Example: toggle the state of output 3: 0x90 0x22 0x01 set all outputs to high: 0x90 0x3F 0x00 Analog: ------- - the 8 analog inputs are numbered 0-7 (note 0x40-0x47) - all inputs can be controlled by the special address 0x5F - after a reset all inputs are disabled. - to enable an input send the following command: 0x90 0x00 - to disable an input send the following command: 0x80 0x00 Example: enable input 2: 0x90 0x41 0x00 disable all inputs: 0x80 0x5F 0x00