{{ monday|date:"l d.m.Y" }}

{% for timeslot in monday_timeslots %} {% if forloop.first and timeslot.start != timeslot.get_previous_by_start.end %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% if timeslot.end != timeslot.get_next_by_start.start %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{{ tuesday|date:"l d.m.Y" }}

{% for timeslot in tuesday_timeslots %} {% if forloop.first and timeslot.start != timeslot.get_previous_by_start.end %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% if timeslot.end != timeslot.get_next_by_start.start %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{{ wednesday|date:"l d.m.Y" }}

{% for timeslot in wednesday_timeslots %} {% if forloop.first and timeslot.start != timeslot.get_previous_by_start.end %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% if timeslot.end != timeslot.get_next_by_start.start %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{{ thursday|date:"l d.m.Y" }}

{% for timeslot in thursday_timeslots %} {% if forloop.first and timeslot.start != timeslot.get_previous_by_start.end %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% if timeslot.end != timeslot.get_next_by_start.start %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{{ friday|date:"l d.m.Y" }}

{% for timeslot in friday_timeslots %} {% if forloop.first and timeslot.start != timeslot.get_previous_by_start.end %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% if timeslot.end != timeslot.get_next_by_start.start %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{{ saturday|date:"l d.m.Y" }}

{% for timeslot in saturday_timeslots %} {% if forloop.first and timeslot.start != timeslot.get_previous_by_start.end %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% if timeslot.end != timeslot.get_next_by_start.start %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}

{{ sunday|date:"l d.m.Y" }}

{% for timeslot in sunday_timeslots %} {% if forloop.first and timeslot.start != timeslot.get_previous_by_start.end %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% if timeslot.end != timeslot.get_next_by_start.start %}
{{ default_show.name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}