#recommendations-box, #day-schedule, #broadcastformats, #filter, #shows { display: inline; float: left; } #filter { width: 213px; } #recommendations-box { width: 213px; } #day-schedule { width: 700px; } #shows {width: 700px;} #broadcastformats { width: 170px; } #current-timeslot, #next-timeslot, #after-next-timeslot { clear: both; } #current-timeslot .start, #next-timeslot .start, #after-next-timeslot .start { display: inline; float: left; } #current-timeslot .show, #next-timeslot .show, #after-next-timeslot .show { display: inline; float: left; } /* FIXME: fill the actual colors */ #current-timeslot .experimentell, #next-timeslot .experimentell, #after-next-timeslot .experimentell, #recommendations-box .experimentell { border-left: red solid 3px; } #current-timeslot .feature-magazin, #next-timeslot .feature-magazin, #after-next-timeslot .feature-magazin, #recommendations-box .feature-magazin { border-left: red solid 3px; } #current-timeslot .horspiel-literatur, #next-timeslot .horspiel-literatur, #after-next-timeslot .horspiel-literatur, #recommendations-box .horspiel-literatur { border-left: red solid 3px; } #current-timeslot .musiksendung, #next-timeslot .musiksendung, #after-next-timeslot .musiksendung, #recommendations-box .musiksendung { border-left: red solid 3px; } #current-timeslot .talk, #next-timeslot .talk, #after-next-timeslot .talk, #recommendations-box .talk { border-left: red solid 3px; } #current-timeslot .unmoderiertes-musikprogramm, #next-timeslot .unmoderiertes-musikprogramm, #after-next-timeslot .unmoderiertes-musikprogramm, #recommendations-box .unmoderiertes-musikprogramm { border-left: red solid 3px; } #current-timeslot .vortrag-diskussion, #next-timeslot .vortrag-diskussion, #after-next-timeslot .vortrag-diskussion, #recommendations-box .vortrag-diskussion { border-left: red solid 3px; } #recommendations-box .recommendation { clear: both; } /* FIXME: fill the actual colors */ #day-schedule .experimentell { background-color: red; } #day-schedule .feature-magazin { background-color: red; } #day-schedule .horspiel-literatur { background-color: red; } #day-schedule .musiksendung { background-color: red; } #day-schedule .talk { background-color: red; } #day-schedule .unmoderiertes-musikprogramm { background-color: red; } #day-schedule .vortrag-diskussion { background-color: red; } #day-schedule .timeslot { clear: both; } .timeslot .start, .timeslot .show-abbrevs, .timeslot .show { display: inline; float: left; } .timeslot .show-abbrevs { width: 50px; } #shows .show { clear: both; } .show .abbrevs { width: 50px; display: inline; float: left; } .show .details { display: inline; float: left; } .details .name, .details .programslots, .details .short-description { display: inline; float: left; } #week-schedule { width: 960px; } #week-schedule .weekday { font-size: small; height: 2em; } #monday, #tuesday, #wednesday, #thursday, #friday, #saturday, #sunday { display: inline; float: left; font-size: small; width: 123px; }