from django.conf import settings import json import urllib import bisect import hashlib from os.path import join from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta from functools import partial def get_automation_id_choices(): base_url = getattr(settings, 'AUTOMATION_BASE_URL', None) cache_dir = getattr(settings, 'AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR', 'cache') cached_shows = join(cache_dir, 'shows.json') shows = [] if base_url: try: shows_json = urllib.urlopen(base_url).read() shows_list = json.loads(shows_json)['shows'] multi_shows_list = json.loads(shows_json)['multi-shows'] except IOError: try: with open(cached_shows) as cache: shows_list = json.loads(['shows'] multi_shows_list = json.loads(['multi-shows'] except IOError: shows_list = [] multi_shows_list = [] else: with open(cached_shows, 'w') as cache: cache.write(shows_json) shows = [(s['id'], '%d | %s' % (s['id'], s['title']), s['title']) for s in shows_list if not s.get('multi')] [bisect.insort(shows, (s['id'], '%05d | %s' % (s['id'], s['title']), s['title'])) for s in multi_shows_list] shows.sort(key=lambda show: show[2].lower()) shows = [(s[0], s[1]) for s in shows] return shows def get_cached_shows(): cache_dir = getattr(settings, 'AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR', 'cache') cached_shows = join(cache_dir, 'shows.json') shows = {} with open(cached_shows) as shows_json: shows = json.loads( return shows def tofirstdayinisoweek(year, week): # ret = datetime.strptime('%04d-%02d-1' % (year, week), '%Y-%W-%w') if date(year, 1, 4).isoweekday() > 4: ret -= timedelta(days=7) return ret def hash_file(file, block_size=65536): hasher = hashlib.sha256() for buf in iter(partial(, block_size), b''): hasher.update(buf) return hasher.hexdigest()