{{ show.name }}
{% if show.id != 1 %}
{% for slot in show.programslots.all %}
{% if slot.is_active %}
{{ slot }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ show.broadcastformat.format }}
{% for si in show.showinformation.all %} {{ si.abbrev }} {% endfor %} {% for st in show.showtopic.all %} {{ st.abbrev }} {% endfor %} {% for mf in show.musicfocus.all %} {{ mf.abbrev }} {% endfor %}{{ show.short_description }}
{% if show.description %}
{{ show.description|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if show.image and show.image_enabled %}
{% for host in show.hosts.all %}
{{ host }}
{% endfor %}
{% if show.email %}
Email: {{ show.email }}
{% endif %}
{% if show.website %}
Website: {{ show.website }}
{% endif %}
{% if show.cba_series_id %}
{% endif %}
{% for note in show.notes.all reversed %}
{{ note.start|date:"d. M Y" }}:
{{ note.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% if show.predecessor and show.predecessor.notes.all %}
{% if show.name != show.predecessor.name %}
{{ note.start|date:"d. M Y" }}:
{{ note.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}