from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned from import NoArgsCommand from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify from django.utils.html import strip_tags import MySQLdb from program.models import BroadcastFormat, Host, Show USER = 'helsinki' PASSWD = 'helsinki' DB = 'helsinki' TALK = BroadcastFormat.objects.get(pk=1) class Command(NoArgsCommand): help = 'Import shows from the current program' def handle_noargs(self, **options): connection = MySQLdb.connect(user=USER, passwd=PASSWD, db=DB) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT titel, beschreibung, web, macher FROM sendungen WHERE letzter_termin > current_date AND titel NOT LIKE 'Musikprogramm' AND titel NOT LIKE '%%(Wiederholung)' ORDER BY titel, beginn, ende""") counter = 0 for titel, beschreibung, web, macher in cursor.fetchall(): titel = strip_tags(titel) beschreibung = strip_tags(beschreibung) slug = slugify(titel) hosts = [] for macher in macher.split(','): macher = macher.strip() try: host = Host.objects.get(name=macher) except MultipleObjectsReturned: print 'multiple hosts with name "%s" found' % macher except ObjectDoesNotExist: print 'host with name "%s" not found' % macher else: hosts.append(host) try: show = Show.objects.get(name=titel) print 'sendung "%s" already imported as show "%s"' % (titel, show) except ObjectDoesNotExist: show = Show(broadcastformat=TALK, name=titel, slug=slug, short_description='FIXME', description=beschreibung) try: counter += 1 except: print 'sendung "%s" could not be imported' % titel else: for h in hosts: show.hosts.add(h) cursor.close() connection.close() print '%i shows imported' % counter