# coding=utf-8 from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.http import HttpResponse from django import forms from models import Master, Standby, State from program.models import TimeSlot import json import time from datetime import datetime DB = 'nop' MUSIKPROG_IDS = ( 1, # unmodieriertes musikprogramm 17, # bumbumtschak 203, # Hotel Passage 204, # Radyo Mezopotamya 206, # Abunda Lingva 290, # styrian underground 523, # Songbirds 562, # Singing Birds 563, # canzoni italiane 564 # on connait la chanson ) SPECIAL_PROGRAM_IDS = ( 66, # Probebühne 374 # musikprogramm bunt gemischt ) class NopForm(forms.Form): date = forms.DateField( required=True, widget=forms.DateInput( format='%Y-%m-%d', attrs={'id': 'nop_date', 'class': 'date'})) time = forms.TimeField( required=True, widget=forms.TimeInput( format='%H:%M', attrs={'id': 'nop_time', 'class': 'date'})) def _dtstring(dt): return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', dt) def _which(timestamp=None): if timestamp: res = State.objects.using(DB).filter(timestamp__lt=timestamp)[0] else: res = State.objects.using(DB).all()[0] if not res or res.state == 'master': return Master else: return Standby def _get_show(datetime=None): try: if datetime: timeslot = TimeSlot.objects.get(start__lte=datetime, end__gt=datetime) else: timeslot = TimeSlot.objects.get_or_create_current() except (ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned): return {'start': None, 'id': None, 'name': None} else: try: note = timeslot.note except ObjectDoesNotExist: note = None return {'start': _dtstring(timeslot.start.timetuple()), 'id': timeslot.show.id, 'name': timeslot.show.name, 'note': note} def _current(): artist = None title = None album = None show = _get_show() if show['id'] in MUSIKPROG_IDS \ or (show['id'] in SPECIAL_PROGRAM_IDS and not show['note']): result = _which().objects.using(DB).all()[0] artist = result.artist title = result.title album = result.album return {'show': show['name'], 'start': show['start'], 'artist': artist, 'title': title, 'album': album} def _bydate(year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None): show = _get_show(datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute)) if show['id'] and show['id'] not in MUSIKPROG_IDS: return [{'show': show['name'], 'start': show['start'], 'artist': None, 'title': None, 'album': None}] else: ts = int(time.mktime((int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute), 0, 0, 0, -1))) * 1000000 result = _which(ts).objects.using(DB).filter(timestamp__lt=ts)[:5] return [{'show': show['name'], 'start': _dtstring(time.localtime(item.timestamp//1000000)), 'artist': item.artist, 'title': item.title, 'album': item.album} for item in result] def get_current(request): response = json.dumps(_current()) return HttpResponse(response, content_type='application/json') def get(request, year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None): response = json.dumps(_bydate(year, month, day, hour, minute)) return HttpResponse(response, content_type='application/json') def nop_form(request): context = {} date = None time = None if request.method == 'GET' \ and ('date' in request.GET or 'time' in request.GET): form = NopForm(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): date = form.cleaned_data['date'] time = form.cleaned_data['time'] else: form = NopForm(initial={'date': datetime.date(datetime.now()), 'time': datetime.time(datetime.now())}) if not date: date = datetime.date(datetime.now()) if not time: time = datetime.time(datetime.now()) result = _bydate(date.year, date.month, date.day, time.hour, time.minute) context['nowplaying'] = result context['form'] = form return render_to_response('nop_form.html', context)