#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- # +------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ | # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / | # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / | # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ | # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ | # | | # +------------------------------------------------------------------+ # # This file will some day be part of Check_MK. # The official homepage is at http://mathias-kettner.de/check_mk. # Author: Daniel Karni # EXAMPLE DATA FROM: Ablerex VT650 (vt650) #<<>> #vt650 battery.voltage: 14.10 #vt650 battery.voltage.high: -1.08 #vt650 battery.voltage.low: -0.87 #vt650 device.type: ups #vt650 driver.name: blazer_usb #vt650 driver.parameter.bus: 005 #vt650 driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2 #vt650 driver.parameter.port: auto #vt650 driver.version: 2.6.4 #vt650 driver.version.internal: 0.08 #vt650 input.frequency: 49.9 #vt650 input.voltage: 235.6 #vt650 input.voltage.fault: 140.0 #vt650 output.voltage: 236.4 #vt650 ups.beeper.status: enabled #vt650 ups.delay.shutdown: 30 #vt650 ups.delay.start: 180 #vt650 ups.load: 23 #vt650 ups.productid: 0000 #vt650 ups.status: OL #vt650 ups.temperature: 30.0 #vt650 ups.type: offline / line interactive #vt650 ups.vendorid: ffff nut_temp_default_values = (35, 40) nut_load_default_values = (70, 85) nut_output_default_values = (245, 250) nut_battery_default_levels = (10, 5) nut_input_voltage_fault_default_levels = (155, 160) nut_input_default_levels = (245, 250) nut_input_freq_default_levels = (51, 55) # the inventory function (dummy) def inventory_nut(check_type, info): # begin with empty inventory inventory = [] for line in info: # loop over all output lines of the agent if len(line) < 3: #found a broken line (values are in the third column) continue if check_type == 'nut.device' and line[1] in [ 'device.type:', 'ups.productid:', 'ups.type:', 'ups.vendorid:',] and not (line[0], None) in inventory: inventory.append((line[0], None)) elif check_type == 'nut.driver' and line[1] in [ 'driver.name:', 'driver.parameter.bus:', 'driver.parameter.pollinterval:', 'driver.parameter.port:', 'driver.version:', 'driver.version.internal:',] and not (line[0], None) in inventory: inventory.append((line[0], None)) elif check_type == 'nut.input' and line[1] in [ 'input.frequency:', 'input.voltage:', 'input.voltage.fault:',] and not (line[0], None) in inventory: inventory.append((line[0], None)) elif check_type == 'nut.delay' and line[1] in [ 'ups.delay.shutdown:', 'ups.delay.start:',] and not (line[0], None) in inventory: inventory.append((line[0], None)) elif check_type == 'nut.input.freq' and line[1] == 'input.frequency:': inventory.append((line[0], None, 'nut_input_freq_default_levels')) elif check_type == 'nut.input' and line[1] == 'input.voltage:': inventory.append((line[0], None, 'nut_input_default_levels')) elif check_type == 'nut.input.fault' and line[1] == 'input.voltage.fault:': inventory.append((line[0], None, 'nut_input_voltage_fault_default_levels')) elif check_type == 'nut.battery' and line[1] == 'battery.voltage:': inventory.append((line[0], None, 'nut_battery_default_levels')) elif check_type == 'nut.output' and line[1] == 'output.voltage:': inventory.append((line[0], None, 'nut_output_default_values')) elif check_type == 'nut.beeper' and line[1] == 'ups.beeper.status:': inventory.append((line[0], None)) elif check_type == 'nut.load' and line[1] == 'ups.load:': inventory.append((line[0], None, 'nut_load_default_values')) elif check_type == 'nut.temp' and line[1] == 'ups.temperature:': inventory.append((line[0], None, 'nut_temp_default_values')) elif check_type == 'nut.status' and line[1] == 'ups.status:': inventory.append((line[0], None)) return inventory def check_nut_value(item, params, info, lineLabel, factType, returnOutput): warn, crit = params for line in info: if len(line) >= 3 and line[0] == item and line[1] == lineLabel+":": lineData = float(line[2]); perfdata = [ ( factType , lineData, warn, crit ) ]; if lineData >= crit: return (2, ("CRIT - " + returnOutput) % lineData, perfdata) elif lineData >= warn: return (1, ("WARN - " + returnOutput) % lineData, perfdata) else: return (0, ("OK - " + returnOutput) % lineData, perfdata) return (3, "UNKNOWN - %s not found in agent output for %s" % (lineLabel , item)) def check_nut_battery(item, params, info): warn, crit = params for line in info: if len(line) >= 3 and line[0] == item and line[1] == "battery.voltage:": voltage = float(line[2]) perfdata = [ ( "voltage", voltage, warn, crit ) ] if voltage <= crit: return (2, "CRIT - Battery Voltage is %0.2fv" % voltage, perfdata) elif voltage <= warn: return (1, "WARN - Battery Voltage is %0.2fv" % voltage, perfdata) else: return (0, "OK - Battery Voltage is %0.2fv" % voltage, perfdata) return (3, "UNKNOWN - battery.voltage not found in agent output for %s" % item) ### String collection checks def check_nut_device(item, params, info): output = [] for line in info: if len(line) < 3 or line[0] != item: continue value = line[2] field = line[1] if field in [ 'device.type:', 'ups.productid:', 'ups.type:', 'ups.vendorid:',]: for val, lab, txt in [ (value, 'device.type:', 'Device Type'), (value, 'ups.productid:', 'Product ID'), (value, 'ups.type:', 'UPS Type'), (value, 'ups.vendorid:', 'Vendor ID'), ]: if field == lab: output.append('%s: %s' % (txt, val)) if not output: return (3, 'UNKNOWN - Found no info in nut outout') return (0, "OK - Device Details: %s" % (', '.join(output))) def check_nut_driver(item, params, info): output = [] for line in info: if len(line) < 3 or line[0] != item: continue value = line[2] field = line[1] if field in [ 'driver.name:', 'driver.parameter.bus:', 'driver.parameter.pollinterval:', 'driver.parameter.port:', 'driver.version:', 'driver.version.internal:',]: for val, lab, txt in [ (value, 'driver.name:', 'Name'), (value, 'driver.parameter.bus:', 'Parameter Bus'), (value, 'driver.parameter.pollinterval:', 'Poll Interval'), (value, 'driver.parameter.port:', 'Port'), (value, 'driver.version:', 'Version'), (value, 'driver.version.internal:', 'Internal Version'), ]: if field == lab: output.append('%s: %s' % (txt, val)) if not output: return (3, 'UNKNOWN - Found no info in nut outout') return (0, "OK - Driver Details: %s" % (', '.join(output))) def check_nut_delay(item, params, info): output = [] for line in info: if len(line) < 3 or line[0] != item: continue value = line[2] field = line[1] if field in [ 'ups.delay.shutdown:', 'ups.delay.start:',]: for val, lab, txt in [ (value, 'ups.delay.shutdown:', 'Shutdown Delay'), (value, 'ups.delay.start:', 'Start Delay'), ]: if field == lab: output.append('%s: %s' % (txt, val)) if not output: return (3, 'UNKNOWN - Found no info in nut outout') return (0, "OK - Device Details: %s" % (', '.join(output))) ### String comparison checks def check_nut_beeper(item, params, info): for line in info: if len(line) < 3 or line[0] != item: continue value = line[2] if line[1] == 'ups.beeper.status:': if value == 'enabled': return (0, "OK - UPS Beeper Status is enabled") elif value == 'disabled': return (1, "WARN - UPS Beeper Status is disabled") return (3, "UNKNOWN - UPS Beeper Status cannot be determined for %s" % item) def check_nut_status(item, params, info): for line in info: if len(line) < 3 or line[0] != item: continue value = line[2] if line[1] == 'ups.status:': if value == 'OL': return (0, "OK - UPS Status is Online (OL)") elif value == 'OB': return (1, "WARN - UPS Status is On Battery (OB)") elif value == 'LB': return (2, "CRIT - UPS Status is Low Battery (LB)") return (3, "UNKNOWN - UPS Status cannot be determined for %s" % item) # declare the check to Check_MK check_info["nut.battery"] = (check_nut_battery, 'NUT %s Battery Voltage', 1, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.battery", info)) check_info["nut.device"] = (check_nut_device, 'NUT %s Device Details', 0, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.device", info)) check_info["nut.driver"] = (check_nut_driver, 'NUT %s Driver Details', 0, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.driver", info)) check_info["nut.input"] = (lambda item, params, info: check_nut_value(item, params, info,"input.voltage", "voltage", "Input Voltage is %0.2fv"), 'NUT %s Input Voltage', 1, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.input", info)) check_info["nut.input.freq"] = (lambda item, params, info: check_nut_value(item, params, info,"input.frequency", "frequency", "Input Frequency is %0.2fHz"), 'NUT %s Input Frequency', 1, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.input.freq", info)) check_info["nut.input.fault"] = (lambda item, params, info: check_nut_value(item, params, info,"input.voltage.fault", "voltage", "Input Voltage fault is %0.2fv"), 'NUT %s Input Voltage Fault', 1, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.input.fault", info)) check_info["nut.output"] = (lambda item, params, info: check_nut_value(item, params, info,"output.voltage", "voltage", "Output Voltage is %0.2fv"), 'NUT %s Output Voltage', 1, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.output", info)) check_info["nut.load"] = (lambda item, params, info: check_nut_value(item, params, info,"ups.load", "load", "Load is %d%%"), 'NUT %s Load Percentage', 1, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.load", info)) check_info["nut.temp"] = (lambda item, params, info: check_nut_value(item, params, info,"ups.temperature", "temp", "Temperature is %0.1fC"), 'NUT %s Temperature', 1, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.temp", info)) check_info["nut.beeper"] = (check_nut_beeper, 'NUT %s Beeper Status', 0, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.beeper", info)) check_info["nut.delay"] = (check_nut_delay, 'NUT %s Delay settings', 0, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.delay", info)) check_info["nut.status"] = (check_nut_status, 'NUT %s Status', 0, lambda info: inventory_nut("nut.status", info))